Who dares wins: Who will hit the reset button?

May 22, 2020

Push to reset the world. By Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez (CC0) via unsplash.
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A “GT” Insight into the mind of the man who leads one of the world’s sig­ni­fic­ant travel & tour­ism industry organ­isa­tions: Dr Mario Hardy, chief of the Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation. What does he think about the crisis in which our industry finds itself?

Over the past few months, we are reminded every day that the travel & tour­ism industry is going through its most severe crisis ever. How­ever, as the say­ing goes “in every crisis there is an oppor­tun­ity”, and in this instance the oppor­tun­ity is to hit the reset button.

I feel priv­ileged to have trav­elled to 99 coun­tries and was look­ing for­ward to my 100th coun­try this month, but due to the cur­rent situ­ation this will have to wait. Non­ethe­less, dur­ing my travels I have seen tour­ism done cor­rectly and I have seen the dam­age it can do to a des­tin­a­tion. I have spent most of my life liv­ing in a large city, so every chance I get to escape to nature is a blessing.

How­ever, when I see beaches full of trash, stripped forests, and once beau­ti­ful land­scapes turned into a sprawl­ing city, my heart and soul are in anguish. When I see archae­olo­gic­al sites spoiled by the excess­ive num­ber of vis­it­ors tramp­ling its beau­ti­ful grounds, I dream of the time when they were still undiscovered.

The cur­rent COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has giv­en the industry an incred­ible oppor­tun­ity to restart tour­ism the way it should be; although I won­der which des­tin­a­tions will be will­ing to hit the reset but­ton. Who will take this oppor­tun­ity to “pause” and clean up the envir­on­ment? Which des­tin­a­tion will rethink how we meas­ure suc­cess in terms of pos­it­ive con­tri­bu­tions to loc­al tour­ism com­munity as opposed to over­all vis­it­or volume? Which cit­ies will be brave enough to end vehicle traffic in his­tor­ic areas and instead turn them into quiet, pol­lu­tion-free ped­es­tri­an areas for all to enjoy?

I believe des­tin­a­tions that take advant­age of this time to re-eval­u­ate their approach to tour­ism will be the real win­ners in the post COVID-19 era. The future suc­cess of travel & tour­ism belongs to those des­tin­a­tions and brands that demon­strate tan­gible, meas­ur­able sus­tain­ab­il­ity prac­tices and act respons­ibly towards their res­id­ents and visitors.

Few places in the world remain as they were meant to be. I hope we can take this oppor­tun­ity to cor­rect the mis­takes we have made in the past. 

Dur­ing times like these, I dream of climb­ing to the top of a world born anew; going deep into an unspoiled forest; or diving to the bot­tom of the deep blue sea. I dream of explor­ing the many beau­ti­ful places I have yet to visit. 

I dream of travel.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Push to reset the world. By Jose Ant­o­nio Gal­lego Vázquez (CC0) via unsplash. Feat. a Space Uto­pi­an sticker.

About the author

Dr Mario Hardy, PATA CEO
Dr Mario Hardy

Dr Mario Hardy was appoin­ted Chief Exec­ut­ive Officer of the Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation (PATA) in Novem­ber 2014. He has also served as Chair­man of the Board of Trust­ees of the PATA Found­a­tion.

With 30 years of exper­i­ence in avi­ation-related busi­nesses, data ana­lyt­ics, tech­no­logy, and cor­por­ate lead­er­ship, Mario is the founder of Ven­ture Cap­it­al firm MAP2 | Ven­tures, a tech­no­logy-cent­ric invest­ment fund. He is an advisor for and share­hold­er in more than 15 privately-owned tech­no­logy busi­nesses spread over four continents.

Mario serves on advis­ory boards for the Glob­al Tour­ism Eco­nom­ic For­um, the Glob­al Tour­ism Resi­li­ence Centre, Hong Kong Poly­tech­nic Uni­versity’s Hos­pit­al­ity and Tour­ism School, Guil­in Tour­ism Uni­ver­sity, and the Middle East Travel and Tour­ism Devel­op­ment Net­work Centre.

The Hon­or­ary Doc­tor­ate bestowed upon Mario by Capil­ano Uni­ver­sity in 2016 recog­nises his phil­an­throp­ic work in Cam­bod­ia where he helped devel­op a school for under­priv­ileged chil­dren, and for his role in the devel­op­ment of a com­munity-based tour­ism pro­ject in Vietnam. 

In 2017, Mario gradu­ated from the Exec­ut­ive Pro­gram of Sin­gu­lar­ity Uni­ver­sity. He was also hon­oured as a Glob­al Ambas­sad­or of Peace Through Tour­ism by the Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Peace Through Tourism.

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