Travel & tourism and destination management

Scroll down for posts that have been tagged with “travel & tour­ism and des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment”; the man­age­ment of not only des­tin­a­tions but also travel & tour­ism busi­nesses, NGOs, and oth­er stakeholders.

Travel & tour­ism is a rap­idly grow­ing industry that plays a vital role in the glob­al eco­nomy. It involves people trav­el­ling to dif­fer­ent des­tin­a­tions for vari­ous pur­poses such as leis­ure, busi­ness, or cul­tur­al exchange.

Des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment is an essen­tial aspect of the travel & tour­ism industry, as it involves the plan­ning, devel­op­ment, and man­age­ment of tour­ist des­tin­a­tions to ensure they are attract­ive and access­ible to vis­it­ors, and sustainable.

One of the primary goals of des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment is to provide a mem­or­able and enjoy­able exper­i­ence for tour­ists while also pre­serving the envir­on­ment and cul­tur­al her­it­age of the des­tin­a­tion. This can be achieved through a range of activ­it­ies such as sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices, the pro­mo­tion of loc­al busi­nesses, and the cre­ation of unique cul­tur­al exper­i­ences for visitors.

Effect­ive des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment requires col­lab­or­a­tion between stake­hold­ers in the tour­ism industry, includ­ing gov­ern­ments, private sec­tor organ­isa­tions, and loc­al com­munit­ies. Cooper­a­tion between these groups can help ensure that tour­ism devel­op­ment is sus­tain­able and bene­fi­cial for all involved.

In con­clu­sion, the travel & tour­ism industry and des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment are cru­cial com­pon­ents of the glob­al eco­nomy. Effect­ive des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment requires cooper­a­tion between vari­ous stake­hold­ers to ensure sus­tain­able tour­ism devel­op­ment while provid­ing vis­it­ors with a mem­or­able and enjoy­able experience.

Tags are inform­al. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog tries not to get bogged down with ter­min­o­logy and defin­i­tions. You may, of course, dis­agree with tags applied (or not applied) to a post. If so, please feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and discussion.

Emil Kukalj on balanced tourism, overtourism, ideology, pragmatism, and possibility

Emil Kukalj on balanced tourism, overtourism, pragmatism, and possibility

Emil Kukalj reck­ons ideo­logy is only use­ful if it is action­able and leads to net pos­it­ive res­ults. Saverio F Ber­to­lu­cci inter­viewed Mr Kukalj for a Tourism’s Hori­zon Inter­view. For this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Mr Ber­to­lu­cci reflects. [The full tran­script is on Substack.] Who is Emil Kukalj? I was delighted to dis­cuss research and devel­op­ment with an estab­lished figure […]

Read More Emil Kukalj on balanced tourism, overtourism, ideology, pragmatism, and possibility

Why aren’t Kenya tourism authorities taking a responsible approach to growth?

March 19, 2024

Are Kenya tourism authorities as responsible as they could be? Mt Kilimanjaro from Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Pic by Sergey Pesterev (CC0) via Unsplash.

Tour­ism officer Doreen Nyam­weya wor­ries about the stra­tegic dir­ec­tion of Kenya tour­ism. Ms Nyam­weya won­ders wheth­er nation­al tour­ism author­it­ies are ‘imprisoned’ by out­dated think­ing, con­fused about Kenya’s pos­i­tion in the world, and dis­con­nec­ted from host com­munit­ies. With Kenya’s tour­ism sec­tor boom­ing again, calls for respons­ible approaches to tour­ism mar­ket­ing and man­age­ment are gain­ing momentum.  Different […]

Read More Why aren’t Kenya tourism authorities taking a responsible approach to growth?

Prolonging anticipatory happiness: How can destinations exceed expectations?

February 22, 2024

Prolonging anticipatory happiness: How can destinations exceed expectations? Packed and ready. Pic by Arnel Hasanovic (CC0) via Unsplash. "GT" added the words.

The abil­ity to deliv­er on or exceed expect­a­tions determ­ines wheth­er your des­tin­a­tion will cap­ture a repeat vis­it­or and/or their pos­it­ive word-of-mouth … or a much more vir­al neg­at­ive sen­ti­ment.  In his unique and inim­it­able style, K Michael Hay­wood explores the theme and advoc­ates for the twin approach of com­munit­ies-as-des­t­in­a­­tions and des­tin­a­tions-in-action.  “New friends and new […]

Read More Prolonging anticipatory happiness: How can destinations exceed expectations?

On ‘permanent vacation’: Why digital nomads feel at ‘home’ in Bend, Oregon

and October 24, 2023

On ‘permanent vacation’ Why digital nomads feel at ‘home’ in Bend, Oregon pic by Ed Jackiewicz

For some, excess­ive work-related travel dis­rupts lives at home. For digit­al nomads, work makes itin­er­ant life­styles pos­sible. Digit­al nomads may be an attract­ive long-stay vis­it­or seg­ment for some des­tin­a­tions to tar­get. But they won’t stay very long if they don’t like the place. What makes des­tin­a­tions attract­ive to digit­al nomads? Ron Dav­id­son and Ed Jackiewicz […]

Read More On ‘permanent vacation’: Why digital nomads feel at ‘home’ in Bend, Oregon

Regaining control: Venice takes ‘smart’ measures to manage mass tourism

May 16, 2023

Regaining control: Venice takes ‘smart’ measures to manage mass tourism. Picture © Henrique Ferreira

It is widely acknow­ledged that Venice needs to do some­thing to man­age mass tour­ism.  The ques­tion is: ‘What?’ Will deploy­ing tech­no­lo­gies that meas­ure vis­it­or flows help Venice devel­op more effect­ive strategies to man­age them? Anna Richardot invest­ig­ates what Venice is doing in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight. To say that Venice suf­fers from mass tour­ism is an […]

Read More Regaining control: Venice takes ‘smart’ measures to manage mass tourism

What ‘good tourism’ needs: Listening, learning, leading

March 28, 2023

What's 'good tourism'? Image by FLY:D (CC0) via Unsplash.

K Michael Hay­wood won­ders what the sub­ject­ive notion of ‘good tour­ism’ is, or could be, and how it might be achieved.  The ‘good’ in ‘good tour­ism’ rep­res­ents the search for that which is desir­able and deserving of esteem and respect. It sug­gests that tour­ism activ­it­ies be appro­pri­ate with­in future-ready soci­et­al, loc­a­tion­al, cul­tur­al, and oper­a­tion­al contexts. […]

Read More What ‘good tourism’ needs: Listening, learning, leading