Tourism resilience and recovery

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Tourism’s resilience relies on sustainable, regenerative, needs-based models

August 29, 2022

Can tourism be resilient, like ivy. Image by Alicia Mary Smith (CC0) via Unsplash

For tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and ser­vice pro­viders to sur­vive and thrive in the face of cur­rent and loom­ing chal­lenges they must become more resi­li­ent, accord­ing to K Michael Hay­wood. Prof Hay­wood argues that this can be achieved by demo­crat­ising ‘com­munit­ies-as-des­t­in­a­­tions’ and enact­ing prin­ciples of sus­tain­ab­il­ity and regen­er­a­tion. Tourism’s reviv­al may be under­way, though its resi­li­ence is […]

Read More Tourism’s resilience relies on sustainable, regenerative, needs-based models

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka reaps rewards for designing sustainable experiences

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka team explore Sri Lanka while creating sustainable travel experiences

With Sri Lanka open­ing its bor­ders for inter­na­tion­al tour­ists much earli­er than many oth­er Asi­an coun­tries, arrival num­bers have slowly star­ted pick­ing up since August 2021. Espe­cially since quar­ant­ine require­ments lif­ted for fully vac­cin­ated tour­ists from Octo­ber, demand has kept increas­ing.  Khiri Travel Sri Lanka anti­cip­ated increas­ing demand for more sus­tain­able and off-the-beaten-track exper­i­ences and […]

Read More Khiri Travel Sri Lanka reaps rewards for designing sustainable experiences

Bali is back, and so is the rest of wild Indonesia

Orangutans, Kalimantan, Indonesia

Since the long-awaited — but then very sud­den — eas­ing of travel restric­tions for travel into Indone­sia last March, Bali has seen a very quick return of trav­el­lers.  Along Bali’s south­w­est coast one will once again find the typ­ic­al beach- and Bintang-attrac­ted vis­it­or.  Beach­front hotels and beach clubs are exper­i­en­cing a book­ings rush from both domest­ic and for­eign travellers […]

Read More Bali is back, and so is the rest of wild Indonesia

Lessons in resilience: Binna Burra’s rise from the ashes

February 15, 2022

Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia is easily accessible from BInna Burra Mountain Lodge

Des­pite a dev­ast­at­ing wild­fire in Septem­ber 2019 and the glob­al pan­dem­ic that fol­lowed, Aus­trali­a’s Binna Burra Lodge is open for busi­ness. Draw­ing from that recov­ery story, Jona­thon Day shares five les­sons in resi­li­ence that any tour­ism busi­ness can apply. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] On Septem­ber 8, 2019, a bushfire […]

Read More Lessons in resilience: Binna Burra’s rise from the ashes

Africa must put communities, conservation at the centre of travel & tourism recovery

October 5, 2021

Generations. In "Kargi, a remote nomadic settlement in Kenya". Image by Ian Macharia (CC0) via Unsplash.

Pick­ing up on the reports, find­ings, declar­a­tions, and state­ments of organ­isa­tions and opin­ion lead­ers in Africa and around the world, tour­ism schol­ar Edwin Magio calls upon Afric­an travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers to put words into action. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight.  As the Afric­an tour­ism sec­tor pre­pares to recov­er from the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, tour­ism experts […]

Read More Africa must put communities, conservation at the centre of travel & tourism recovery

Overs & unders: Contrasting destination outcomes during COVID-19

June 29, 2021

The Winnipesaukee River in Laconia, New Hampshire, USA ((CC0) Pixabay) and Stari Most over the Neretva River in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina ((c) Jada Lindblom)

Places that rely on travel & tour­ism are loc­ated all over the world, in nations at dif­fer­ent stages of eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment and often vastly dif­fer­ent pop­u­la­tion sizes. When inter­na­tion­al travel shuts down it is no won­der then that they have dif­fer­ent exper­i­ences. Devel­op­ment spe­cial­ist Jada Lind­blom com­pares two des­tin­a­tions close to her heart in this […]

Read More Overs & unders: Contrasting destination outcomes during COVID-19