“Good Tourism” Partner messages

SUNx announces ‘Climate Friendly Travel Club’

SUNx announces ‘Climate Friendly Travel Club’

Bali, Indone­sia, Octo­ber 2, 2023: In the icon­ic glob­al tour­ism centre of Bali, SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work — announced that it was launch­ing a new social enter­prise for Cli­mate Friendly Trav­el­lers, the Cli­mate Friendly Travel Club. Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man, Pres­id­ent of SUNx, announced this dur­ing the World Tour­ism Net­work (WTN)’s TIME Sum­mit with the form­al sig­na­ture of an SDG […]

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EXO Foundation’s first Sustainability Awards support transformative tourism projects in Asia

EXO Foundation Sustainability Awards 2923

The EXO Found­a­tion, a non-profit organ­isa­tion sup­port­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism ini­ti­at­ives, held its first Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards cere­mony yes­ter­day (Septem­ber 28) on Zoom.  Prizes totalling US$40,000 in value were awar­ded to win­ners and run­­n­ers-up. The goal of the awards was to identi­fy, sup­port and pro­mote exem­plary pro­jects that seek to innov­ate sus­tain­ab­il­ity in Asia.  Alex­an­dra Michat, Chief Pur­pose Officer […]

Read More EXO Foundation’s first Sustainability Awards support transformative tourism projects in Asia

SUNx Malta launches 50 Climate Friendly Travel Chapters in world’s LDCs

SUNx Malta launches 50 Climate Friendly Travel Chapters in world’s LDCs

Malta’s Min­is­ter for Tour­ism Hon. Clayton Bar­to­lo MP (pic­tured above), Malta Tour­ism Author­ity (MTA) CEO Carlo Mic­allef, and Malta Tour­ism Obser­vat­ory MD Leslie Vella have launched 50 SUNx Chapters in the world’s least developed coun­tries (LDCs). Today’s launch event at MTA, as well as Malta’s broad­er sup­port of SUNx, is a key com­pon­ent of the […]

Read More SUNx Malta launches 50 Climate Friendly Travel Chapters in world’s LDCs

50 full scholarships for Climate Friendly Travel Diploma

Climate Friendly Travel Diploma: 50 full scholarships for students in SIDS and other developing states

Are you a gradu­ate in travel & tour­ism who is flu­ent in Eng­lish? Are you from one of the 39 SIDS (Small Island Devel­op­ing States)? SUNx Malta is offer­ing 50 full schol­ar­ships for the 2023 intake of its two-year online Cli­mate Friendly Travel (CFT) Diploma.

Read More 50 full scholarships for Climate Friendly Travel Diploma

Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

If you’re a travel agent look­ing for a unique des­tin­a­tion to recom­mend to your cli­ents, or a tour oper­at­or search­ing for a new part­ner in Africa, con­sider Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Camp­site in Musan­ze, Rwanda.  This hid­den gem is about more than moun­tain gor­il­las. As its name sug­gests, it offers vis­it­ors an oppor­tun­ity to immerse themselves […]

Read More Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

You are invited to Rwanda for the 11th Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

July 25, 2023

You are invited to the Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

As the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al 2023 approaches, all eyes turn to Rwanda, the land of a thou­sand hills, cul­tur­al won­ders, and warm hos­pit­al­ity.  Now in its 11th year, this extraordin­ary fest­iv­al offers a glimpse into the soul of the coun­try; pro­mot­ing cul­tur­al her­it­age, com­munity con­ser­va­tion, and empower­ment.  Wheth­er you are a seasoned trav­el­ler or […]

Read More You are invited to Rwanda for the 11th Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023