Red Rocks Rwanda & Red Rocks Initative for Sustainable Development

Red Rocks Rwanda and Red Rocks Init­at­ive for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment have been val­ued “Good Tour­ism” Part­ners since March 2022. This is an archive page for their “GT” Part­ner messages.

Red Rocks Rwanda logoRed Rocks Rwanda is an eco­tours com­pany and a social enter­prise that is all about the com­munity, and bey­ond thus pro­mot­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism through com­munity and con­ser­va­tion pro­grams. We provide budget accom­mod­a­tion ran­ging from an ample tran­quil camp­site to hostel room, big safari tents to bun­ga­lows. Our cul­tur­al tour­ism scheme involved devel­op­ing our com­munity and pro­tect­ing our nat­ur­al envir­on­ment through tour­ism, and pro­mot­ing inter­cul­tur­al exchange between our host com­munity and vis­it­ors. We believe that tour­ism, con­ser­va­tion, and com­munity devel­op­ment can be joined because the three can­not work in isolation.

Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development, Rwanda

Red Rocks Init­at­ive for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment bring under-served com­munit­ies into the tour­ism sup­ply chain and sup­ports com­munity devel­op­ment pro­jects that help people help them­selves. An Afric­an non-gov­ern­ment­al organ­iz­a­tion estab­lished in 2017 to enhance sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in the Vir­unga Moun­tains region in Rwanda, east Africa, we believe in com­munity-driv­en sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. We rely on the expert­ise and com­mit­ment of both loc­al and inter­na­tion­al part­ners to achieve our goals.

Partnerships: Good partners are like family at Red Rocks Initiatives Rwanda

Featured image for Partnerships: Why we cherish good partners at Red Rocks Initiatives Rwanda

At Red Rocks Ini­ti­at­ive for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment in Rwanda we are always open to new part­ner­ships.  We recog­nise that good part­ners helped us take our very first steps. And good part­ners have helped us get to where we are now. They, and new part­ners, will be val­ued stake­hold­ers in our ongo­ing jour­ney. More than stakeholders, […]

Read More Partnerships: Good partners are like family at Red Rocks Initiatives Rwanda

Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

If you’re a travel agent look­ing for a unique des­tin­a­tion to recom­mend to your cli­ents, or a tour oper­at­or search­ing for a new part­ner in Africa, con­sider Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Camp­site in Musan­ze, Rwanda.  This hid­den gem is about more than moun­tain gor­il­las. As its name sug­gests, it offers vis­it­ors an oppor­tun­ity to immerse themselves […]

Read More Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

You are invited to Rwanda for the 11th Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

July 25, 2023

You are invited to the Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

As the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al 2023 approaches, all eyes turn to Rwanda, the land of a thou­sand hills, cul­tur­al won­ders, and warm hos­pit­al­ity.  Now in its 11th year, this extraordin­ary fest­iv­al offers a glimpse into the soul of the coun­try; pro­mot­ing cul­tur­al her­it­age, com­munity con­ser­va­tion, and empower­ment.  Wheth­er you are a seasoned trav­el­ler or […]

Read More You are invited to Rwanda for the 11th Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023

Red Rocks’ journey towards sustainable community development in Rwanda

Sustainable community development in Rwanda at Red Rocks involves transferring knowledge and skills to community members

Red Rocks Ini­ti­at­ive for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment is an Afric­an non-gov­­ern­­ment­al organ­isa­tion (NGO) that focuses on com­munity devel­op­ment in Rwanda and bey­ond.  By pri­or­it­ising women and youth, Red Rocks aims to increase their social stand­ing and eco­nom­ic live­li­hoods through skills devel­op­ment and job oppor­tun­it­ies.  Col­lab­or­at­ing with com­munity stake­hold­ers, Red Rocks over­comes bar­ri­ers that lim­it women’s involvement […]

Read More Red Rocks’ journey towards sustainable community development in Rwanda

Appreciate Rwandan culture and traditions at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

Rwandan culture and traditions thrive at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

As a travel agent or tour oper­at­or, you are always on the lookout for unique and authen­t­ic exper­i­ences to recom­mend.  If you are look­ing for a whole­some and cul­tur­ally-rich Afric­an exper­i­ence for your cli­ents, then Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Camp­site in Musan­ze, Rwanda, is an excel­lent option for Rwandan cul­ture and tra­di­tions.  Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Campsite […]

Read More Appreciate Rwandan culture and traditions at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

Empower Rwandan women and youth. Support Red Rocks Cultural Campsite.

Red Rocks Cultural Campsit empowers Rwandan women and youth by instilling pride and joy in cultural performance and preservation

Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Camp­site in Rwanda’s Musan­ze dis­trict offers an excel­lent oppor­tun­ity for travel agents and tour oper­at­ors to recom­mend a unique and mean­ing­ful exper­i­ence to their cli­ents. By pro­mot­ing this com­munity-based organ­isa­tion, travel pro­fes­sion­als can help empower Rwandan women and youth through its arts and crafts pro­gramme, while also provid­ing an authen­t­ic cul­tur­al experience […]

Read More Empower Rwandan women and youth. Support Red Rocks Cultural Campsite.