EXO Travel & EXO Foundation

EXO Travel and EXO Found­a­tion have been val­ued “Good Tour­ism” Part­ners since May 2023. This is the archive page for their “GT” Part­ner messages.

EXO Travel logoEXO Travel’s pur­pose is to expand hori­zons & cre­ate last­ing pos­it­ive impacts through travel. It comes from our desire to keep our jour­ney pos­it­ive and inspir­ing. To con­tin­ue grow­ing as a com­pany and as people. To con­tin­ue to inspire our guests to keep explor­ing, dis­cov­er­ing and trav­el­ing while also tak­ing care of our plan­et and to give back as much as we can.

We have always believed in travel as a force for good and, since day one, sus­tain­ab­il­ity has been at the centre of everything we do. And, as a cer­ti­fied B Cor­por­a­tion, we have a clear roadmap for that jour­ney as we strive to become an even more pos­it­ive influ­ence on our des­tin­a­tions, the envir­on­ment and all of our stakeholders.

EXO Foundation logoEXO Found­a­tion aims to make des­tin­a­tions bet­ter places for people to live in and for trav­el­lers to vis­it. We are a non-profit organ­isa­tion based in South­east Asia sup­port­ing loc­al grass­roots organ­iz­a­tions in nine coun­tries: Cam­bod­ia, Indone­sia, Japan, Laos, Malay­sia, Myan­mar (Burma), Thai­l­and, Viet­nam, Singapore.

Our vis­ion is to be a driv­ing force in act­ively fos­ter­ing sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and improv­ing pos­it­ive soci­et­al and envir­on­ment­al changes through the pro­mo­tion of respons­ible tour­ism. Our ambi­tion is to pave the way for main­stream­ing good prac­tices with­in the travel industry in Asia. We aim to max­im­ise the poten­tial for tour­ism to become a tool for poverty alle­vi­ation and sus­tain­able development.

EXO Foundation’s first Sustainability Awards support transformative tourism projects in Asia

EXO Foundation Sustainability Awards 2923

The EXO Found­a­tion, a non-profit organ­isa­tion sup­port­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism ini­ti­at­ives, held its first Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards cere­mony yes­ter­day (Septem­ber 28) on Zoom.  Prizes totalling US$40,000 in value were awar­ded to win­ners and run­­n­ers-up. The goal of the awards was to identi­fy, sup­port and pro­mote exem­plary pro­jects that seek to innov­ate sus­tain­ab­il­ity in Asia.  Alex­an­dra Michat, Chief Pur­pose Officer […]

Read More EXO Foundation’s first Sustainability Awards support transformative tourism projects in Asia