Willem Niemeijer

Willem Niemeijer

Willem Niemeijer

Willem Niemeijer has been pas­sion­ate about travel for as long he can remem­ber. Start­ing out at a stu­dent travel organ­isa­tion in the 1980s, he moved to Thai­l­and in 1987 and foun­ded Khiri Travel in 1993. Khiri Reach is its char­it­able arm.

In 2016, Willem foun­ded YAANA Ven­tures to cre­ate and grow a port­fo­lio of sus­tain­able hos­pit­al­ity brands in Asia, includ­ing Anurak Com­munity Lodge in Thai­l­and and Car­damom Ten­ted Camp in Cambodia.

In addi­tion to Khiri and YAANA, Willem is involved in GROUND Asia, spe­cial­ising in ser­vice learn­ing pro­jects for schools and uni­ver­sit­ies; Nar­una Retreats, provid­ing per­son­al lead­er­ship devel­op­ment; and HMP Mas­ter, a new cloud-based solu­tion for boutique hotel management.

Turn down the volume: How to plan for a sustainable tourism recovery after C‑19

May 6, 2020
One Comment

Leatherback hatching at Khao Lampi - Hat Thai Mueng national park. Image courtesy of (c) Phuket Marine National Parks Operations Center 2 / https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2624818794469718&set=pcb.2624819491136315&type=1&theater

Bangkok-based travel & hos­pit­al­ity entre­pren­eur and sus­tain­able tour­ism advoc­ate Willem Niemeijer sees an oppor­tun­ity in the SARS-CoV­­‑2 crisis; an oppor­tun­ity to rebal­ance tour­ism with more sens­ible man­age­ment and less vis­it­or volume. But make your plans swiftly because Mr Niemeijer reck­ons recov­ery will be faster than many think. The lock­down meas­ures in place to keep the […]

Read More Turn down the volume: How to plan for a sustainable tourism recovery after C‑19