Dr Gabby Walters

Dr Gabby Walters

Gabby Walters

An Asso­ci­ate Pro­fess­or of Tour­ism at the Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land, Gabby Wal­ters has a back­ground in tour­ism mar­ket­ing with an emphas­is on con­sumer psychology.

How travellers respond to crises and disasters and what tourism can do to minimise cancellations

January 19, 2021

Superhero. By AD_Images (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/boy-child-kid-running-super-hero-4302994/

Gabby Wal­ters is an expert in crisis and dis­aster recov­ery mar­ket­ing. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Dr Wal­ters shares some of what she knows about trav­el­ler con­cerns dur­ing and after a dis­rupt­ive event and what travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers can do to mit­ig­ate losses and bounce back. A primary goal of any tour­ist des­tin­a­tion impacted […]

Read More How travellers respond to crises and disasters and what tourism can do to minimise cancellations