Daniel Rye

Daniel Rye

Daniel Rye

Hav­ing trained in elec­tric­al & elec­tron­ic engin­eer­ing in Eng­land, Daniel Rye spent the best part of a dec­ade “engin­eer­ing the Inter­net” before mov­ing to Singa­pore. Here he decided to map his skills onto renew­able energy with a loc­al start-up in 2012. Since then he has been immersed in clean tech­no­logy, even­tu­ally found­ing advis­ory firm Ryn­ergy in 2017. He now spends much of his time help­ing to devel­op remote microgrid pro­jects in Asia with Can­opy Power.

It’s mental: Why remote resorts are resisting renewable energy

April 3, 2019

Misool is a diving resort and conservation centre located in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Misool was founded on the belief that sustainable tourism could safeguard the future of the surrounding reefs, which are some of the most biodiverse on Earth. Designed and managed by Canopy Power, a PV-Storage Hybrid system was installed and commissioned in March 2018.

Daniel Rye devel­ops renew­able energy microgrids for remote applic­a­tions, includ­ing at hotels and resorts. In this “GT” Insight, Daniel dis­cusses the psy­cho­logy behind com­mon objec­tions decision makers have against an increas­ingly effi­cient and eco­nom­ic­al energy option. Renew­able energy is here. By empir­ic­al met­rics this is undeni­able. For example, 2015 was the first year that saw […]

Read More It’s mental: Why remote resorts are resisting renewable energy