CABI Tourism Cases: Tourism and communities

Tourism and communities. A Cyprus man and his goat. Image by Dimitris Vetsikas (CC0) via Pixabay. "GT" cropped the image and added the words.
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CABI Tour­ism Cases, a “Good Tour­ism” Part­ner, pub­lishes peer-reviewed case stud­ies on travel & tourism’s inter­ac­tions with the world from just about every angle … includ­ing tour­ism and communities. 

This is the second in a new series of posts in which CABI shares brief sum­mar­ies of its most recent tour­ism-related case stud­ies (and books) along vari­ous themes.

Recent CABI Tourism Cases on tourism and communities

Mountain Biking Tourism Impacts in Rural Michigan | USA

Moun­tain bik­ing and moun­tain bik­ing tour­ism are on the rise. With this increase comes the poten­tial for increased impacts, espe­cially in rur­al com­munit­ies pro­mot­ing their moun­tain bik­ing trail systems. 

This case presents two such trails in Michigan, USA — The Dragon Trail and the DTE Energy Found­a­tion Trail — to serve as an insight for com­munit­ies con­sid­er­ing devel­op­ing moun­tain bik­ing tour­ism amen­it­ies and iden­tit­ies, as well as how the dis­cus­sion on impacts may vary across contexts.

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‘Not All Fun and Games’: The Case of the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games | Australia

In April 2022, the Aus­trali­an state of Vic­tor­ia was con­firmed to be the host of the Com­mon­wealth Games 2026. Vic­tori­a’s pro­pos­al emphas­ised the leg­acy bene­fits to loc­al com­munit­ies, par­tic­u­larly through the pro­vi­sion of afford­able and social hous­ing and sport­ing facil­it­ies in region­al Victoria. 

Then, in July 2023, the Premi­er of Vic­tor­ia announced the can­cel­la­tion of the Games, primar­ily jus­ti­fied by the increase in the ini­tial cost of run­ning the event. This con­cep­tu­al case study provides an ana­lys­is of the factors that influ­enced the cancellation.

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Business Strategy and Development toward Sustainability: A Story of Ban Bo Chet Luk Community Entrepreneurship | Thailand

Com­munity-based entre­pren­eur­ship has been acknow­ledged to be an essen­tial instru­ment for the socio-eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment of rur­al com­munit­ies and social uplift­ment, espe­cially in devel­op­ing coun­tries such as Thailand. 

This case study cov­ers com­munity back­ground, man­age­ment his­tory, busi­ness strategy, eco­tour­ism, and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in Ban Bo Chet Luk. 

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Green Recovery and Regenerative Tourism: The Success Story of Miso Walai Homestay in Building a Resilient Rural Tourism Destination | Malaysia

Although green recov­ery and regen­er­at­ive tour­ism are well-doc­u­mented in the lit­er­at­ure, case stud­ies at the des­tin­a­tion level are lacking. 

This case study exam­ines how a rur­al tour­ism com­munity in Lower Kin­abatan­gan, Sabah, Malay­sia lever­aged com­munity-based eco­tour­ism to suc­cess­fully recov­er from intense defor­est­a­tion fol­low­ing years of exploit­a­tion by tim­ber com­pan­ies, and then the lock­downs of COVID-19. 

The case high­lights the suc­cess of Miso Walai Homestay in lever­aging green recov­ery ini­ti­at­ives to cush­ion the fin­an­cial impact of those two situations. 

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Community-Based Tourism Initiatives as a Tool for Empowering Indigenous Communities: Evidence from the Yucatan Peninsula | Mexico

Com­munity-based tour­ism is seen as an oppor­tun­ity for equit­able devel­op­ment and shar­ing of bene­fits among host com­munity mem­bers. It is an altern­at­ive to mass tour­ism and a way to intro­duce sus­tain­able man­age­ment of nat­ur­al resources. 

In this case, the authors explore four indi­gen­ous com­munity-based ini­ti­at­ives in the hin­ter­land of the Yucatan Pen­in­sula, one of Mexico’s main tour­ist areas. They exam­ine the intern­al gov­ernance of these ini­ti­at­ives, the role of extern­al act­ors, and the com­munity approach to devel­op­ing con­scious tour­ism activ­it­ies that sup­port loc­al live­li­hoods, value cul­tur­al her­it­age, and safe­guard the nat­ur­al environment.

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Sustainable Hiking through the Green Trails: Examples of Exceptional Responsible Practices | India

‘Indi­ahikes’ is a lead­ing trek team in India, leav­ing a thought­ful impact on the trek­kers as well as the moun­tains. Through dif­fer­ent ini­ti­at­ives for sus­tain­ab­il­ity, and their icon­ic eco bags, the com­pany leaves the moun­tains bet­ter than they found them; col­lect­ing waste and fol­low­ing eco-sens­it­ive practices. 

This case study addresses this excep­tion­al case as an example of stake­hold­er ini­ti­at­ive towards effect­ive sus­tain­able prac­tices of des­tin­a­tion management. 

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The Guesthouse Phenomenon in the Maldives – Development and Issues | Maldives

The tour­ism industry in the Mal­dives has long been dom­in­ated by the “one island, one resort” mod­el, with resorts on unin­hab­ited islands keep­ing tour­ists out of communities. 

Recent legis­lat­ive changes have opened up new oppor­tun­it­ies for com­munity-based tour­ism with the estab­lish­ment of gues­t­houses on inhab­ited islands. The gues­t­house industry has wit­nessed rap­id growth as a res­ult and has caused con­fu­sion and some con­flict among stake­hold­ers and tourists. 

This case study is based on a research pro­ject con­duc­ted in Septem­ber 2019.

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Improving Cultural Sustainable Tourism: Evidence of Saba Budaya Baduy from Baduy Tribe | Indonesia

This case study explores the value and spe­cialty of Saba Budaya Baduy as the iden­tity of Baduy Tribes, to ana­lyse the poten­tial of threats and the cul­tur­al resi­li­ence from the usage of Baduy Cul­tur­al Tour­ism and Saba Budaya Baduy nomenclatures. 

This qual­it­at­ive research is based on tour­ism anthro­po­logy and social psy­cho­logy per­spect­ives in line with the inter­pret­at­ive phe­nomen­o­lo­gic­al ana­lys­is (IPA) technique.

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Recent CABI books about tourism and communities

Peer-to-peer Accommodation and Community Resilience

This book demon­strates the incred­ible com­plex­ity char­ac­ter­ising the rela­tion­ship between peer-to-peer (P2P) lodging and com­munity resi­li­ence, by con­sid­er­ing mul­tiple stake­hold­er per­spect­ives and examin­ing a diverse array of des­tin­a­tion communities. 

The book cov­ers research that shows how P2P lodging can foster resi­li­ence by help­ing to make com­munit­ies more eco­nom­ic­ally, envir­on­ment­ally and socially sustainable. 

How­ever, research also shows how P2P lodging can itself be the extern­al force of undesir­able change against which com­munit­ies may struggle to be resilient.

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Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities

Gate­way com­munit­ies that neigh­bour parks and pro­tec­ted areas are impacted by tour­ism, while facing unique cir­cum­stances related to pro­tec­ted area management. 

Eco­nom­ic depend­ency remains a ser­i­ous chal­lenge for these com­munit­ies, espe­cially in a cli­mate of neo­lib­er­al­ism, top-down policy envir­on­ments, and park clos­ures related to envir­on­ment­al degrad­a­tion or gov­ern­ment budgets. 

The col­lec­tion of works in this edited book provide bot­tom-up, informed, and nuanced approaches to tour­ism man­age­ment using loc­al exper­i­ences from gate­way com­munit­ies and pro­tec­ted areas man­age­ment emer­ging from a dec­ade of guidelines, rule­mak­ing, and exclus­ive decision-making.

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About CABI Tourism Cases

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Tour­ism Cases is a grow­ing col­lec­tion of high-qual­ity case stud­ies that explore and inform the devel­op­ment of sus­tain­able tour­ism. The case stud­ies bring togeth­er research, exper­i­ences and expert­ise from tour­ism stud­ies and pro­grammes around the world.

All users can search, browse and read sum­mar­ies of case stud­ies. Full text access is avail­able via indi­vidu­al or insti­tu­tion­al sub­scrip­tion, or by pur­chas­ing a single case study.

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Featured image (top of post)

Tour­ism and com­munit­ies. A Cyp­ri­ot and his goat. Image by Dimitris Vet­si­kas (CC0) via Pixabay. “GT” cropped the image and added the words. 

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