Engaged in green: Crowne Plaza Vientiane, Laos

Crowne Plaza Vientiane, subject of a Sustainable Tourism Laos Showcase by "Good Tourism" Partner We Are Lao.
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The first Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Laos Show­case by “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner WeAre­Lao asks: “How does IHG imple­ment its strict Green Engage glob­al guidelines in Laos?” 

“It’s hard work to get to where we want to go,” said Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane Gen­er­al Man­ager Pat­ria Puyat, “but it can be done.”

“Sus­tain­ab­il­ity is the right thing to do,” Ms Puyat said. “It’s part of our daily busi­ness.” And top­ping Crowne Plaza’s list are redu­cing its car­bon foot­print and man­aging its envir­on­ment­al impact.

The hotel’s Chief Engin­eer Adri­an Hol­combe added, “We imple­ment Green Engage guide-lines as best we can to achieve the car­bon foot­print benchmark.”

And their efforts are pay­ing off. The hotel tar­geted a 6% reduc­tion in 2019, “but our Green Team man­aged 17.6%,” Mr Hol­combe noted. The Green Team con­sists of vari­ous depart­ments: house­keep­ing, kit­chen, engin­eer­ing, human resources, and sales and mar­ket­ing. Their 2020 goal is anoth­er 2.2%.

Crowne Plaza Vientiane's "Green Team', discussed in a Sustainable Tourism Laos Showcase by "Good Tourism" Partner WeAreLao.
Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane’s “Green Team”

To accom­plish this, Crowne Plaza cuts energy use across the board: elec­tri­city, dies­el, gas. “We adjust sys­tems where pos­sible without effect­ing the guest exper­i­ence and staff welfare.”

Mr Hol­combe cred­its the hotel’s com­pu­ter­ized Build­ing Man­age­ment Sys­tem. “It allows us to mon­it­or and adjust tem­per­at­ures, as well as light­ing and air-con pro­grams in meet­ing rooms, pub­lic space, and the back of the house … it comes down to set­ting thermostats.”

Green Engage also comes down to details. The 197 guest rooms fea­ture energy-sav­ing min­i­bars, hot water deliv­ery, air-con set­tings, and LED lights. High-pres­sure shower­heads and aer­at­ors, along­side reduced flush set­tings, save water.

A guest room in Crowne Plaza Vientiane, subject of a Sustainable Tourism Laos Showcase by "Good Tourism" Partner WeAreLao.
A guest room in Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane, Laos.

“We recycle waste water for our land­scap­ing sprink­lers via tanks and fil­ters,” Mr Hol­combe said. “We then inspect its qual­ity, store it, and pump it.

Ms Puyat added, “By 2021, we’ll have our own drink­ing water bot­tling plant.”

The Green Team attends to recyc­ling. “We fol­low best prac­tices and imple­ment a series of actions. Every bit counts,” she explained. They use colored bins for spe­cif­ic recyc­lables — plastic, paper, card­board, and glass — that are sold. Loc­al pig farm­ers buy food waste.

All this adds up to the Lao gov­ern­ment award­ing Crowne Plaza their Envir­on­ment­al Certificate.

The new Gift Gallery at Crowne Plaza Vientiane, subject of a Sustainable Tourism Laos Showcase by "Good Tourism" Partner WeAreLao.
The Gift Gal­lery at Crowne Plaza Vientiane

Fur­ther, Green Engage pri­or­it­izes devel­op­ing loc­al tal­ent. “Laos has a treas­ure of pas­sion­ate people … a young gen­er­a­tion open to new ideas. We employ the right people, and they grow,” Ms Puyat noted. “We also have four loc­al col­leagues on our man­age­ment team.”

Crowne Plaza sup­ports the loc­al sup­ply chain as well, but pur­chas­ing in Vien­tiane presents a hurdle. Ms Puyat cited gaps such as no garden mar­ket, few cer­ti­fied food vendors, and a lack of recyc­lable, bio-degrad­able, and non-plastic products the hotel must import from Thailand.

How­ever, they use Lao décor, South­ern Lao cof­fee, and soaps and hand lotions from Lao Nat­ur­al. “We also pro­mote loc­al arts and crafts through our recently opened Gift Gal­lery,” Ms Puyat said. “And, we give IHG mem­bers a wel­come gift from the Lao Dis­abled Women Devel­op­ment Center.”

Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane con­tin­ues climb­ing the four-tier Green Engage lad­der, and is clos­ing in on Level 3. “It’s hard work…but it can be done.”

COVID clean & safe

A clean COVID-safe promise at Crowne Plaza Vientiane, subject of a Sustainable Tourism Laos Showcase by "Good Tourism" Partner WeAreLao.
A COV­ID-safe prom­ise at Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane, Laos

“We were way out in front of Cov­id when it hit, as safety and clean­li­ness are part of our cul­ture,” Ms Puyat said.

Crowne Plaza Vientiane General Manager Patria Puyat, in a Sustainable Tourism Laos Showcase by "Good Tourism" Partner WeAreLao.
Gen­er­al Man­ager Pat­ria Puyat

The Crowne Plaza already had IHG Way of Clean meas­ures in place, and launched the IHG Clean Prom­ise on 1 June, 2020.

“Our vis­ion is to ensure our guests’ and staff’s safety, not just for Cov­id, but even more enhanced,” she said. “We reached hos­pit­al-grade clean­li­ness by the end of the year.”

About Crowne Plaza Vientiane

Web­site: Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane
+856 – 21-908888

Down­load: “Engaged in Green: Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane” (PDF; hos­ted offsite)

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