Khiri Travel to go carbon-neutral from January 2021

Little Home at Phu Langka National Park in Phayao Province, Thailand. Image supplied by Khiri Travel.
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Khiri Travel is intro­du­cing com­pre­hens­ive off­set­ting pro­gram with ClimateCare. 

The DMC is also offer­ing new low emis­sions ‘slow travel’ hol­i­day options.

Asi­an DMC Khiri Travel is on its way to becom­ing fully car­bon neutral. 

As part of its approach to take respons­ib­il­ity for its impact on the envir­on­ment, Khiri Travel has partnered with cli­mate and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment experts Cli­mate­Care. The res­ult will be the com­plete off­set­ting of car­bon emis­sions for Khiri guests’ hol­i­days and Khiri’s own oper­a­tions, start­ing in Janu­ary 2021. This includes CO2 emis­sions gen­er­ated by all of Khiri’s offices in sev­en Asi­an des­tin­a­tions, staff com­mut­ing, and all busi­ness travel by Khiri employees.

Once trav­el­lers arrive in South­east Asia, Khiri Travel will off­set car­bon emis­sions for guest trips by char­ging US$1.50 per per­son per day. The aim is to off­set entire itin­er­ar­ies, includ­ing accom­mod­a­tion, activ­it­ies and trans­port. Funds will go to ClimateCare’s best-in-class car­bon reduc­tion pro­jects in the Asi­an region.

Herman Hoven, CEO, Khiri Travel
Her­man Hoven

Her­man Hov­en the CEO of Khiri Travel said that Khiri had cal­cu­lated the aver­age car­bon foot­print of its itin­er­ar­ies. As a res­ult, a car­bon off­set rate of US$1.50 per per­son per day will be auto­mat­ic­ally added to each travel pro­pos­al to part­ners. Hov­en said that part­ners would have the pos­sib­il­ity to opt out if they had their own car­bon off­set­ting pro­gram in place. “Oth­er­wise the US$1.50 fee will apply,” he said.

“Our over­all aim is to do our best to improve envir­on­ment­al man­age­ment and decrease any neg­at­ive impacts on our des­tin­a­tions,” said Hov­en. “We want to ensure that not only Khiri as a com­pany, but all our oper­a­tions on the ground, are car­bon neutral.”

ClimateCare’s Dir­ect­or of Part­ner­ships, Robert Stevens, said: “We work with for­ward-think­ing organ­isa­tions such as Khiri Travel to turn their cli­mate respons­ib­il­it­ies into pos­it­ive out­comes, which also sup­port sus­tain­able development.”

To fur­ther reduce CO2 emis­sions, Khiri Travel has intro­duced a new product line: “Redis­cov­er­ing The Art of Slow Travel”. In these trips there will be no region­al flights. All trans­port will be by train, car or boat. Itin­er­ar­ies will typ­ic­ally be a min­im­um of 15 days. Accom­mod­a­tion will be vet­ted against Khiri’s social, cul­tur­al and envir­on­ment­al cri­ter­ia. And excur­sions will bene­fit the host com­munit­ies, mostly in less developed regions.

Nia Klatte, Khiri Travel’s Regional Sustainability Coordinator
Nia Klatte

“By offer­ing longer dur­a­tion trips in-des­tin­a­tion, with much less fly­ing, Khiri’s guests will greatly reduce their car­bon foot­print,” said Nia Klatte, Khiri Travel’s Region­al Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Coordin­at­or. “It also gives guests time to slow down and immerse them­selves in the loc­al area.”

On cli­mate action, Khiri’s pos­i­tion is to fol­low cur­rent advice from the Inter­gov­ern­ment­al Pan­el on Cli­mate Change, which recom­mends cut­ting glob­al car­bon emis­sions to 55% of 2017 levels by 2030 in order to lim­it glob­al warm­ing to 1.5 o C (2.7 o F).

Khiri Travel’s cli­mate pos­i­tion is explained here. Its cli­mate emer­gency strategy is here. Khiri Travel is a sig­nat­ory of Tour­ism Declares a Cli­mate Emer­gency. Addi­tion­al inform­a­tion:

About Khiri Travel

Since 1993, Khiri Travel has won awards and earned a repu­ta­tion as a des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment com­pany ded­ic­ated to work­ing with select tour oper­at­ors to provide qual­ity leis­ure travel exper­i­ences across Asia. With offices in Thai­l­and, Laos, Myan­mar, Viet­nam, Cam­bod­ia, Indone­sia and Sri Lanka (which has respons­ib­il­ity for the Mal­dives), Khiri Travel’s entre­pren­eur­i­al asso­ci­ates craft innov­at­ive itin­er­ar­ies that reflect their pas­sion for authen­t­ic, loc­al and sus­tain­able exper­i­ences. Vis­it

About ClimateCare

Cli­mate­Care is a Profit with Pur­pose busi­ness which works with for­ward-think­ing organ­isa­tions to help turn their cli­mate respons­ib­il­it­ies into pos­it­ive out­comes. Since 1997, Cli­mate­Care and its part­ners have cut over 43 mil­lion tonnes of CO2 and improved 41 mil­lion lives around the world by fin­an­cing, man­aging and devel­op­ing cli­mate projects.

With more than 20 years’ exper­i­ence as a lead­er in the glob­al car­bon mar­kets and cli­mate change sec­tor, Cli­mate­Care works with major pub­lic and private sec­tor cli­ents to fund sus­tain­able devel­op­ment pro­jects that reduce car­bon emis­sions at scale, meas­ur­ably increase qual­ity of life and deliv­er towards the UN Glob­al Goals. Cli­mate­Care also advises on a range of cli­mate change mit­ig­a­tion and adapt­a­tion sub­jects, from large scale imple­ment­a­tion to nation­al cli­mate change policies.

Cli­mate­Care is cur­rently ranked the num­ber one B Corp in the UK. B Corp is a glob­al move­ment of more than 2,500 pur­pose-driv­en com­pan­ies that are using busi­ness as a force for good. Cli­mate­Care oper­ates glob­ally from offices in Oxford, UK and Nairobi, Kenya.

Contact Khiri Travel

Head Office | 226/9 Soi Tiwan­on 24 | Tiwan­on Road, Bangkas­or | Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 Thai­l­and. Tel: (+66) [0] 2968 6828 Email: Web­site:

Fea­tured image (top of post): Little Home at Phu Langka Nation­al Park in Phayao Province, Thai­l­and. Image sup­plied by Khiri Travel.

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