Neha Arora

Neha Arora

Neha Arora

Neha Arora is the founder of Plan­et Abled, an organ­isa­tion that provides access­ible and inclus­ive travel solu­tions for people with diverse dis­ab­il­it­ies. Before tak­ing the plunge to start Plan­et Abled, Neha worked with com­pan­ies like HCL, Nokia, and Adobe in vari­ous mana­geri­al roles.

A Glob­al Good Fund fel­low and a TEDx speak­er, Neha reg­u­larly deliv­ers work­shops about the seam­less integ­ra­tion of people with dis­ab­il­it­ies into main­stream soci­ety as well as social entrepreneurship.

Is accessibility critical to sustainable tourism?

June 27, 2019

tourism for all accessibility unwto 2016

Access­ible tour­ism advoc­ate Neha Arora asks the travel & tour­ism industry to factor in the needs of the eld­erly and people with dis­ab­il­it­ies when design­ing sus­tain­able des­tin­a­tions and respons­ible products. Accord­ing to the UNWTO web­site, the defin­i­tion of sus­tain­able travel is: “Tour­ism that takes full account of its cur­rent and future eco­nom­ic, social and environmental […]

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