Dr Hayley Stainton

Dr Hay­ley Stainton

Hayley Stainton

Hay­ley Stain­ton is a tour­ism aca­dem­ic and travel writer. Dr Stain­ton shares her prac­tic­al, con­cep­tu­al, and the­or­et­ic­al know­ledge of the tour­ism industry through her web­site, Tour­ism Teach­er.

How virtual tourism can make the travel & tourism industry more sustainable

May 11, 2021

How virtual tourism can make the travel & tourism industry more sustainable

Many people think that vir­tu­al tour­ism is a tem­por­ary hype; an activ­ity that will quickly fade away as phys­ic­al travel resumes post-pan­­dem­ic. But, accord­ing to tour­ism expert and edu­cat­or Hay­ley Stain­ton, vir­tu­al tour­ism is here to stay and it can help to cre­ate a more sus­tain­able industry. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [Thanks to Jim Butcher for […]

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