Stroma Cole

Stroma Cole

Dr Stroma Cole

Stroma Cole is a Read­er in tour­ism at the Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster, Lon­don, UK. Dr Cole is also a Dir­ect­or at Equal­ity in Tour­ism. With interests in gender, respons­ible tour­ism devel­op­ment, human rights, and the links between tour­ism and the SDGs, she is an act­iv­ist research­er cri­tiquing the con­sequences of tour­ism devel­op­ment. Stroma is an Asso­ci­ate Edit­or for Annals of Tour­ism Research and is on the edit­or­i­al boards of Journ­al of Sus­tain­able Tour­ism and Tour­ism Geo­graph­ies.

How a human rights approach can help hotels improve their water management

and October 18, 2022

Hotels and the human right to water. Image by mrjn Photography (CC0) via Unsplash.

Accom­mod­a­tion ser­vice pro­viders are expec­ted to hon­our the human right to water of all those around them.  Hoteliers should view this respons­ib­il­ity not as a bur­den, but as an oppor­tun­ity to mean­ing­fully and con­tinu­ally engage with des­tin­a­tion stake­hold­ers while devel­op­ing more effi­cient and sus­tain­able water and waste man­age­ment sys­tems. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight by […]

Read More How a human rights approach can help hotels improve their water management