Chris Greenwood

Chris Green­wood

Chris Greenwood

Chris Green­wood is Seni­or Insight Man­ager at Vis­itScot­land, help­ing tour­ism busi­nesses, policy makers, and stake­hold­ers under­stand the future vis­it­or economy.

Why VisitScotland declared a climate emergency & what it means for tourism

February 2, 2021

Uath Lochans, Kingussie, Scotland. By VisitScotland / Damian Shields.

As has been widely repor­ted in both industry and main­stream media, Vis­itScot­land has joined oth­er travel & tour­ism organ­isa­tions in “declar­ing a cli­mate emer­gency”. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, trends strategist Chris Green­wood shares the early devel­op­ments of the Scot­tish nation­al tour­ism board’s emer­gency response and its implic­a­tions for stake­hold­ers. As we look ahead to […]

Read More Why VisitScotland declared a climate emergency & what it means for tourism