Cambodian ecolodge commits to conservation and community for the long run

Cambodia’s multiple award-winning conservation lodge, Cardamom Tented Camp, has joined The Long Run, an international group of nature-based tourism businesses that help to protect around 9.3 million hectares (23 million acres) of biodiverse lands on six continents.
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Cam­bod­i­a’s mul­tiple award-win­ning con­ser­va­tion lodge, Car­damom Ten­ted Camp, has joined The Long Run, an inter­na­tion­al group of nature-based tour­ism busi­nesses that help to pro­tect around 9.3 mil­lion hec­tares (23 mil­lion acres) of biod­i­verse lands on six continents.

Why join The Long Run?

By join­ing The Long Run as a “fel­low mem­ber”, Car­damom Ten­ted Camp com­mits to work towards the status of a “Glob­al Eco­sphere Retreat” (GER); one of the most rig­or­ous sus­tain­ab­il­ity stand­ards in the inter­na­tion­al tour­ism industry and one recog­nised by the Glob­al Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Council.

To date, The Long Run has 11 elite GER mem­bers, 32 fel­low mem­bers, and 22 travel part­ners, all of whom are busi­nesses ded­ic­ated to con­ser­va­tion, com­munity, cul­ture, and com­merce where they oper­ate; col­lect­ively on 9.3 mil­lion hec­tares (23 mil­lion acres) of forest, grass­lands, desert, and moun­tains all over the world.

Keep the forest standing

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp, which has the slo­gan “Your Stay Keeps the Forest Stand­ing,” pro­tects 18,000 hec­tares (44,000 acres) of mixed low­land rain­forest in the Botum Sakor nation­al park in south west Cambodia. 

A pro­por­tion of Car­damo­m’s profits help fund patrols by 16 Wild­life Alli­ance forest rangers. Since the camp’s open­ing in 2017, those patrols have pro­tec­ted the forest reserve from illeg­al poach­ers, log­gers, sand dredgers, and land grabbers. 

A num­ber of at-risk spe­cies such as Asi­an ele­phants, smooth-coated otters, leo­pards and horn­bills have increased due to rig­or­ous hab­it­at pro­tec­tion. The improved spe­cies num­bers have been veri­fied by Wild­life Alli­ance and the Golden Tri­angle Asi­an Ele­phant Foundation.

Intentions to actions

Mem­ber­ship of The Long Run is about trans­form­ing good inten­tions into a hol­ist­ic and tan­gible action plan, said Willem Niemeijer, co-founder of the camp.

“Car­damom Ten­ted Camp and The Long Run are lever­aging tour­ism as a smart way to fund the con­ser­va­tion of nature and be of value to the com­munity. We’re striv­ing to make tour­ism a meas­ur­able force for good. That is our pur­pose,” he said.

He added: “Mem­ber­ship of The Long Run will help us drive con­tinu­ous improve­ment based on a rig­or­ous com­mit­ment to con­ser­va­tion, com­munity engage­ment and a respect for cul­ture and commerce.”

Willem Niemeijer, co-founder of Cardamom Tented Camp (left); Dr Anne-Kathrin Zschiegner, executive director at The Long Run
Willem Niemeijer, co-founder of Car­damom Ten­ted Camp (left); Dr Anne-Kath­rin Zschiegn­er, exec­ut­ive dir­ect­or at The Long Run

Track record

Dr Anne-Kath­rin Zschiegn­er, exec­ut­ive dir­ect­or at The Long Run, said that Car­damom Ten­ted Camp was invited to join the group­ing based on the camp’s envir­on­ment­al track record and unique giv­ing-back busi­ness model.

“The Long Run is excited to work with Car­damom Ten­ted Camp and would like to wel­come the con­ser­va­tion lodge to our act­ive sus­tain­ab­il­ity lead­er­ship com­munity,” said Zschiegner.

“The Car­damom ten­ted camp is a ded­ic­ated respons­ible tour­ism entity with thought­ful atten­tion giv­en to every detail. We are aligned in our pas­sion for sus­tain­ab­il­ity and look for­ward to our jour­ney together.”

The next step of mem­ber­ship will involve tech­nic­al advice from The Long Run to the camp, bring­ing in extern­al experts as neces­sary, shar­ing best prac­tice among mem­bers, identi­fy­ing sus­tain­able busi­ness fund­ing oppor­tun­it­ies, and cre­at­ing a viable plan for Car­damom Ten­ted Camp to start its jour­ney towards full “GER” status.

Meet them at ITB

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp will be rep­res­en­ted at the ITB Ber­lin travel show, 6 – 8 March 2024, through its affil­i­ated travel com­pany, Khiri Travel. (Arrange a meet­ing.)

Con­tents ^

About Cardamom Tented Camp

Cardamom Tented Camp logo

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is an eco­lodge loc­ated in the foot­hills of the Car­damom Moun­tains in Cam­bod­ia. The nine-unit ten­ted camp, with res­taur­ant pavil­ion, staff dorm­it­ory, eco­tour­ism equip­ment and boat pier, uses sol­ar power.

The lodge aims to min­im­ise the human foot­print in the nation­al park and serve as a role mod­el for sus­tain­able eco­tour­ism prac­tices in Cam­bod­ia. The camp has its own waste water fil­tra­tion pro­cess. There is no road access. The camp is access­ible only by river boat or forest hike.

Loc­ated on an 18,000-hectare (180 sq km) con­ces­sion, the lodge and its sur­round­ings are home to pristine low­land and coastal hab­it­ats link­ing wild­life cor­ridors to the Car­damom Moun­tains. Trekking and kayak­ing pack­ages are avail­able for adven­ture enthu­si­asts who are keen to be a part of the real con­ser­va­tion work being under­taken on the concession.

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is a three-way ini­ti­at­ive between Minor Group, YAANA Ven­tures, and Wild­life Alli­ance to ensure the land and its biod­iversity does not fall into the hands of log­gers, poach­ers, and sand dredging operations.

Awards and accolades

June 2023 – Travel + Leis­ure Awards for Asia Pacific (List­ing)
Oct 2022 – HICAP Sus­tain­able Award for Cli­mate Action (Win­ner)
Oct 2021 – Green Des­tin­a­tions Top 100 Des­tin­a­tion Stor­ies in the World (List­ing)
Aug 2019 – UK Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Trav­el­ler ‘Earth Col­lec­tion’ (List­ing)
July 2019 – PATA Gold Award for Eco­tour­ism (Win­ner)
April 2019 – WTTC Tour­ism for Tomor­row Change­maker (Final­ist)

Don’t miss oth­er “GT” Part­ner mes­sages by Car­damom Ten­ted Camp

About The Long Run

The Long Run is a mem­ber­ship organ­isa­tion of nature-based tour­ism busi­nesses com­mit­ted to driv­ing pos­it­ive impact. The com­munity is glob­al in scope and grow­ing. Its mem­bers and part­ners share a vis­ion of “Busi­ness, nature and people work­ing har­mo­ni­ously togeth­er for a sus­tain­able future”. Col­lect­ively, The Long Run mem­bers con­serve more than 23 mil­lion acres of biod­iversity and improve the lives of more than 750,000 people. The organ­isa­tion sup­ports, con­nects, and inspires mem­bers to oper­ate accord­ing to the 4Cs — Con­ser­va­tion, Com­munity, Cul­ture, and Com­merce. The Long Run’s Glob­al Eco­sphere Retreat cer­ti­fic­a­tion is the most rig­or­ous in the industry. 

About YAANA Ventures

YAANA Ven­tures is an own­er, part­ner and oper­at­or of entre­pren­eur­i­al travel and hos­pit­al­ity ven­tures in Asia. YAANA Ven­tures dis­tin­guishes itself by shar­ing real exper­i­ences that are groun­ded in the cul­tur­al rich­ness of Asia. The com­pany is the cham­pi­on of the triple bot­tom-line. It empowers its ven­tures with the val­ues to nur­ture the people with whom it works.

Con­tents ^

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