TPCC engages travel & tourism research community in open discussion on climate change, in preparation for first ‘Stocktake’

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The inde­pend­ent, sci­ence-based Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (TPCC) had its first pub­lic open dis­cus­sion with more than 350 travel & tour­ism aca­dem­ic research­ers on July 6, the second day of the Sur­rey 2023 Con­fer­ence, “Back For Good”.

Pro­fess­or Daniel Scott, who chaired the ses­sion, described the audi­ence engage­ment at the event as “very encour­aging and vis­ibly more advanced than even five years ago”, and the wide­spread sup­port for TPCC from the aca­dem­ic com­munity as “a very strong val­id­a­tion of the research pro­gramme, with great buy-in”.

The 350+ travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers were reminded that a stock­take of the state of cli­mate change risk for travel & tour­ism, and pro­gress on sec­tor pro­gress toward its com­mit­ments is the first key deliv­er­able expec­ted of the TPCC.

The first TPCC Stock­take provides a sec­tor­al con­tri­bu­tion to the United Nations Cli­mate Change Stock­take pro­cess that all coun­tries and many non-state act­ors are com­plet­ing in 2023. 

The indic­at­ors developed by TPCC experts — on cli­mate change phys­ic­al risks, adapt­ive responses, emis­sions, and mit­ig­a­tion actions — were the focus of a TPCC work­shop and dis­cus­sion with con­fer­ence delegates. 

The Stock­take will set a bench­mark against which TPCC’s future ana­lyses of travel & tourism’s col­lect­ive cli­mate response will be measured.

The TPPC plans to pub­lish its Stock­take in con­junc­tion with the United Nations Cli­mate Change Con­fer­ence (COP28) in November. 

“Our object­ive at the Sur­rey Con­fer­ence was to seek crit­ic­al aca­dem­ic sup­port for our pro­gramme of sci­ence-based inform­a­tion gath­er­ing and report­ing aimed at policy makers,” explained TPCC exec­ut­ive board mem­ber Geof­frey Lipman.

”We believe this was highly suc­cess­ful, and thank the many del­eg­ates we engaged with over the conference.”

The pan­el dis­cus­sion featured:

TPCC tourism and climate change at Surrey 2023
Pic­tured L‑R: Pro­fess­or Daniel Scott, Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man, Dr Debbie Hop­kins, Dr Johanna Loehr, Pro­fess­or Xavi­er Font
  • Pro­fess­or Daniel Scott, Uni­ver­sity of Water­loo and Uni­ver­sity of Sur­rey, described the details of the Stock­take and the extens­ive work with tour­ism experts and cli­mate sci­ent­ists to identi­fy and cata­logue key indic­at­ors across the entire sec­tor and glob­al community. 
  • Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man, SUNx Malta and STGC, spoke about the incub­a­tion of the TPCC in the Saudi Ara­bi­an Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Glob­al Centre (STGC) and its estab­lish­ment as an inde­pend­ent mech­an­ism for the sec­tor as a whole. He ref­er­enced the deep com­mit­ment of the King­dom of Saudi Ara­bia to use sus­tain­able tour­ism as a soci­et­al trans­form­a­tion vehicle, with the STGC, for which Prof Lip­man is an Envoy, play­ing a pivotal role.
  • Dr Debbie Hop­kins, Uni­ver­sity of Oxford, said that the cli­mate crisis is both an envir­on­ment­al and social chal­lenge. The former can be increas­ingly seen in the phys­ic­al con­sequences of intensi­fy­ing, unpre­dict­able heat and pre­cip­it­a­tion pat­terns. The lat­ter on the effect on human live­li­hoods; refugees, and food and drink­ing water sup­ply. Tour­ism will be cent­rally impacted.
  • Dr Johanna Loehr, Grif­fith Insti­tute for Tour­ism, talked about the need for hol­ist­ic approaches that improve integ­ra­tion between the tour­ism and cli­mate change policy domains, and which address deep­er changes to the design, struc­ture, and intent of the tour­ism system. 
  • Pro­fess­or Xavi­er Font, Uni­ver­sity of Sur­rey, draw­ing from his earli­er key­note present­a­tion, said that attempts to con­sider busi­ness as usu­al, with ques­tion­able off­set­ting, will simply fail as the crisis intens­i­fies. He reit­er­ated that good mar­ket­ing requires an authen­t­ic product oth­er­wise it cre­ates gre­en­wash when pub­lic interest in such issues is rap­idly increasing.

Sixty-six leading climate scientists and tourism experts are taking stock ahead of COP28

On July 4, two days before the Sur­rey pan­el, the major­ity of TPCC’s sci­ent­ists and experts par­ti­cip­ated in a live and online meet­ing to advance work on the Stock­take.

The TPCC has gathered 66 lead­ing cli­mate sci­ent­ists and tour­ism experts from around the world who are act­ively con­trib­ut­ing to the Stock­take and also to TPCC’s mis­sion to sup­port tourism’s trans­ition to net-zero green­house gas emis­sions and cli­mate-resi­li­ent devel­op­ment, in line with Par­is Cli­mate Agree­ment targets.

Sup­port­ing this work are data ana­lys­is spe­cial­ists For­wardKeys of Spain and data visu­al­isa­tion spe­cial­ists Mur­mur­a­tion of France, who will help present the inform­a­tion in ways that will boost com­pre­hen­sion and aid decision and policy making.

The Stock­take will present all the pos­it­ive and neg­at­ive tour­ism change indic­at­ors that will serve as per­form­ance bench­marks for respons­ive travel & tour­ism cli­mate action in the future.

The TPCC will form­ally present the Stock­take at the United Nations Cli­mate Change Con­fer­ence (COP28) in the United Arab Emir­ates in Novem­ber 2023.

Next year (2024), the TPCC will deliv­er its first Sci­ence Assess­ment; a com­pre­hens­ive review and ana­lys­is of what we know about tour­ism and cli­mate change based on all of the sci­entif­ic lit­er­at­ure and oth­er know­ledge it has gathered. 

The TPCC Sci­ence Assess­ment will also identi­fy scen­ari­os and change actions for poli­cy­makers and sec­tor stakeholders. 

The Assess­ment will inter­rog­ate the inter­sec­tion of cli­mate and tour­ism in rela­tion to the Par­is 1.5°C scen­ario as well as the Inter­gov­ern­ment­al Pan­el on Cli­mate Change’s (IPCC’s) latest assess­ments and recom­mend­a­tions on emis­sions reduc­tion targets.

About the Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC): Identifying knowledge gaps and building capacity for change

The Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (TPCC) is a neut­ral body of more than 60 tour­ism and cli­mate sci­ent­ists and experts who will provide a cur­rent-state assess­ment of the sec­tor and object­ive met­rics to pub­lic and private sec­tor decision makers world­wide. It will pro­duce reg­u­lar assess­ments in line with the UNFCCC COP pro­grams and the Inter­gov­ern­ment­al Pan­el on Cli­mate Change. 

Inspired by the IPCC, the TPCC was cre­ated by the Saudi Ara­bia-based Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Glob­al Cen­ter (STGC) to oper­ate inde­pend­ently and impar­tially, and to build capa­city to provide lead­ing sci­ence to inform tour­ism cli­mate action across the world.

Launched at the United Nations Cli­mate Change Con­fer­ence (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh in Novem­ber 2022, the TPCC is designed to meet the urgent need for trus­ted peer-reviewed inform­a­tion on the inter­ac­tion between tour­ism and cli­mate change.

TPCC’s mis­sion is “to inform and rap­idly advance sci­ence-based cli­mate action across the glob­al tour­ism sys­tem in sup­port of the goals of the Par­is Cli­mate Agreement”. 

Under the lead­er­ship of the TPCC’s Exec­ut­ive Board — Pro­fess­ors Daniel Scott (Canada), Susanne Beck­en (Aus­tralia), and Geof­frey Lip­man (Bel­gi­um) — 66 lead­ing sci­ent­ists and experts from around the world are con­trib­ut­ing to out­puts that sup­port tourism’s trans­ition to net-zero emis­sions and cli­mate-resi­li­ent development. 

The 66 cli­mate sci­ent­ists and tour­ism experts con­trib­ute to TPCC’s three work­ing groups, which are focused on cli­mate change adapt­a­tion, emis­sions reduc­tion, and tour­ism policy and planning.

Finally, the work is sup­por­ted by an Advis­ory Board, drawn from the STGC along with rep­res­ent­at­ives of the tour­ism sector’s diverse stake­hold­ers, in order to provide a fur­ther sup­port and engage­ment network.

In addi­tion to Stock­takes and Sci­ence Assess­ments, TPCC also pro­duces Hori­zon Papers based on stra­tegic know­ledge gaps it identifies. 

At its launch at COP27, the TPCC pub­lished its first two Hori­zon Papers; on avi­ation emis­sions and on fin­an­cial risk.


Fea­tured image (top of post): Pic­tured L‑R: Pro­fess­or Daniel Scott, Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man, Dr Debbie Hop­kins, Dr Johanna Loehr, Pro­fess­or Xavi­er Font stand for a photo oppor­tun­ity on the pan­el stage at Sur­rey 2023.

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