Ecotourism for the masses, not the elite classes!

June 6, 2023

Ecotourism for the masses. Is Central Park, New York, an example? Image by Harry Gillen (CC0) via Unsplash.
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‘Eco­tour­ism for the masses, not the elite classes!’ is a slo­gan you’re unlikely to hear at a protest any time soon. 

Sudip­ta Sarkar argues for an urb­an eco­tour­ism for the masses that looks far bey­ond West­ern debates for inspiration.

It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight ini­ti­ated by Tourism’s Hori­zon, a “GT” Insight Partner.

[You too can write a “GT” Insight.]

Eco­tour­ism car­ries a vari­ety of asso­ci­ations: Niche, small-scale, low-intens­ity travel; wel­fare for the vis­ited; dis­ap­prov­al of human inter­fer­ences in nature; and eco­centrism (valu­ing the nat­ur­al world over and above human interests). 

It assumes a cer­tain mor­al author­ity in debates around tour­ism, espe­cially vis a vis mass tour­ism. But this is not uncontested. 

Eco­tour­ism is cri­ti­cised too: For some, eco­tour­ism gre­en­washes com­mer­cial interests; that it is a ‘Tro­jan Horse’ that will even­tu­ally unleash dam­aging mass tourism. 

Still oth­ers take a dif­fer­ent line: Mar­tin Mow­forth and Ian Munt see eco­tour­ism as a con­science-salv­ing activ­ity for the middle classes, while Jim Butcher accuses eco­tour­ism advoc­ates of deny­ing mod­ern­ity to the poor.

Most agree that loc­al per­spect­ives from the ‘glob­al south’ should be paramount. 

Loc­als can be aspir­a­tion­al. Host com­munit­ies can desire mod­ern­isa­tion. In some cases they can be res­ist­ant to devel­op­ment and industrial/technological progress. 

Many in West­ern aca­dem­ic circles have elev­ated the lat­ter view. But this ignores the former; that the masses of the glob­al south also have mater­i­al needs and wants, includ­ing a desire to travel, and a right to ful­fil them. 

Read oth­er “Good Tour­ism” con­tent tagged with ‘Eco­tour­ism and nature-based tourism’

Romantic ecotourism

Part of the prob­lem lies in a West­ern view of the human-nature rela­tion­ship, which can be traced back to the age of Roman­ti­cism in the late 18th and 19th centuries. 

Roman­ti­cism was an artist­ic and lit­er­ary move­ment that saw in nature sub­lime beauty and an affirm­a­tion of human­ity; a mor­al and spir­itu­al coun­ter­point to the ration­al­ising tend­en­cies of mod­ern­ity that crushed the individual. 

Sev­er­al lit­er­ary works came out of that era that were based on the philo­soph­ic­al found­a­tions of Romanticism. 

There was a dark­er side to Roman­ti­cism: As it pre­vailed as a cul­tur­al move­ment at home, Brit­ish colo­ni­al­ists in India were respons­ible for decim­at­ing a wide range of spe­cies in formerly pristine ecosystems. 

Roman­ti­cism also fed into a European view of Africa as a repos­it­ory of wild, untamed nature, a view that incor­por­ated the racial think­ing of the period. 

In recent times, a rad­ic­al-act­iv­ist per­spect­ive has provided fur­ther impetus to this ‘aus­tere’ view of our rela­tion­ship to the nat­ur­al world, and this is evid­ent in some of the writ­ing about eco­tour­ism in West­ern academia. 

Morally superior ecotourism

Where­as ‘eco­tour­ism’ as a term has lost its sheen, its assump­tions about the destruct­ive char­ac­ter of ‘mass tour­ism’ and the need to foster only loc­al­ised eco­tour­ism devel­op­ment has been widely adop­ted by the ‘social justice’ lobby. 

The social justice view is that mass tour­ism is unsus­tain­able in its entirety and unwaver­ingly destruct­ive of nature, soci­ety, and economies. 

The leg­acy of eco­tour­ism, mani­fest in numer­ous nature-based products, is the con­tinu­ation of elit­ist forms of niche travel. For example, gor­illa tours in Rwanda cost up to USD 7,000. Eco­tours in Malay­si­an Borneo are priced as high as USD 1,600.

Not ecotourism for the masses, but for a few. An encounter with orangutans in Borneo is out of reach of most. Image by e-smile (CC0) via Pixabay.
Is this eco­tour­ism for the masses? Or for a lucky few? An encounter with oran­gutans in Borneo is out of reach of most. Image by e‑smile (CC0) via Pixabay.

These are low-volume lux­ury ser­vices for the few. While such tours can help to pro­tect endangered flora and fauna, and sup­port con­ser­va­tion and loc­al com­munity wel­fare, they per­petu­ate class dis­crim­in­a­tion in tour­ism consumption. 

Such elit­ist forms of eco­tour­ism often attract con­sumers from wealthy West­ern coun­tries; dis­pro­por­tion­ately from the racial major­ity in these societies. 

The Him­alay­an King­dom of Bhutan, for which many in the West have developed a fet­ish for its scaled down (‘low volume high yield’) tour­ism policy, is yet anoth­er example of elite niche, not neces­sar­ily eco‑, tour­ism con­sump­tion that makes itself access­ible to mostly wealthy West­ern visitors.

Either way, eco­tour­ism is a niche for the rich. Fair enough, you might say; sup­ply and demand dic­tates price and most of us aspire to afford lux­ury products of some sort. 

The prob­lem is that eco­tour­ism, in the West­ern con­cep­tion of it, is self-con­sciously styled as mor­ally super­i­or to mass leis­ure pursuits.

Humanist ecotourism

I would argue that eco­tour­ism needs to be refoun­ded on a human­ist basis that does not rhet­or­ic­ally or prac­tic­ally pit the appre­ci­ation of nature against the mater­i­al interests of the mass of humanity. 

Inspir­a­tion for such a change may be found in an under­stand­ing of eco­tour­ism derived from East Asia; ideas and philo­sophies that lead us towards a view of nature that is sym­path­et­ic, not anti­thet­ic­al, to the masses.

In the Chinese notion of Sheng­tai Luy­ou (生态旅游; shēngtài lǚyóu; eco­logy travel) the well­being of vis­it­ors gets equal pri­or­ity with nature. 

Human arts and spir­itu­al arte­facts are com­pat­ible with nature. People are less likely to be seen as play­ers in a zero-sum game against the nat­ur­al world. 

Then we have the Japan­ese idea of Shin­rin Yoku (森林浴; shinrin’yoku; forest bathing). This involves nature-based thera­peut­ic activ­it­ies, spend­ing qual­ity time with friends and fam­ily mem­bers, temple vis­its, and meditation. 

Engage­ment with nature becomes very human­ist­ic. It is about people, their val­ues, and their rela­tion­ships to each oth­er, as well as to the nat­ur­al world.

Ecotourism for the masses: Gyeryongsan National Park (계룡산국립공원) near Daejeon city (one of the largest cities in South Korea).
Gyery­ong­san Nation­al Park (계룡산국립공원) near the city of Dae­jeon. Does its prox­im­ity to one of the largest cit­ies in South Korea make it a kind of ‘eco­tour­ism for the masses’? Image by Sudip­ta K Sarkar.
Ecotourism fro the masses: Cheonggyecheon Stream, the green lung of Seoul
Cheonggyecheon Stream, ‘the green lung of Seoul’, South Korea. Image by Sudip­ta K Sarkar.

The philo­sophies of Zen Buddhism and Con­fucian­ism stress the Unity of Man and Heav­en; the Trin­ity of Heav­en, Earth and Humans; and Cre­at­ive trans­form­a­tion

  • The Unity of Man and Heav­en deems all con­stitu­ents of Earth (includ­ing humans) as one single entity. 
  • The Trin­ity of Heav­en, Earth and Humans are the three ele­ments of the cos­mos, with­in which humans are con­sidered as off­spring of earth and heaven. 
  • Cre­at­ive trans­form­a­tion relates to the har­mo­ni­ous amal­gam­a­tion of nat­ur­al and human aes­thet­ic ele­ments in nature, aug­ment­ing its spir­itu­al dimension.

These philo­soph­ic­al attempts to bring nature and human­ity togeth­er are not unique to Asia. For example, in the second half of the 19th cen­tury social­ist Wil­li­am Mor­ris pion­eered the Arts and Crafts Move­ment which tried to bring the beauty of nature right into the urb­an envir­on­ment inhab­ited by the indus­tri­al proletariat. 

Non­ethe­less there is a dis­son­ance between influ­en­tial West­ern and East­ern per­spect­ives about the role of humans in nature. 

From an East­ern cul­tur­al per­spect­ive the rela­tion­ship is not dom­in­at­ive but con­stitutive; nature as a spir­itu­al set­ting in which human­ity belongs, rather than one it is in ten­sion with. This in turn leads to an appre­ci­ation of nature — the motiv­a­tion for eco­tour­ism — that is for, not against, mass society. 

The elit­ism observed in eco­tour­ism for the few, as advoc­ated in the cur­rent West­ern dis­course on sus­tain­able tour­ism, under­scores the need for some­thing rather dif­fer­ent; an eco­tour­ism for the masses; an urb­an ecotourism. 

Also read Sudip­ta K Sarkar’s “Good Tour­ism” Insight Wild urb­an spaces: Rethink­ing eco­tour­ism as a mass tour­ism product

Ecotourism for the masses: The case for urban ecotourism

Urb­an eco­tour­ism involves nature-based recre­ation with­in, and with­in easy reach of, cit­ies; offer­ing vis­it­ors and res­id­ents — par­tic­u­larly from mar­gin­al­ised groups and with access­ib­il­ity needs — an oppor­tun­ity to sample nature and ful­fil their thera­peut­ic, recre­ation­al, and social needs at rel­at­ive ease and low cost. 

Nat­ur­al eco­sys­tems that are close to urb­an areas tend to be rel­at­ively adapt­able and resi­li­ent com­pared to rur­al, remote areas with fra­gile eco­lo­gies. This is by vir­tue of endur­ing urb­an devel­op­ment over con­sid­er­able peri­ods of time.

Mass travel and non-sea­son­al­ity, being inher­ent to urb­an eco­tour­ism, can render eco­nom­ies of scale that jus­ti­fy robust invest­ments in the pro­tec­tion and con­ser­va­tion of nat­ur­al sys­tems in and around cities. 

Urb­an eco­tour­ism sites that are well-con­nec­ted by mass trans­it sys­tems score anoth­er ‘sus­tain­ab­il­ity’ point in their favour. 

Ecotourism for the masses? Kuala Lumpur Forest Eco Park Canopy Walk. By RivieraBarnes (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons.
Is this eco­tour­ism for the masses? The Kuala Lum­pur Forest Eco Park “pro­tects the last remain­ing patch of vir­gin rain­forest in KL [and offers] the oppor­tun­ity to learn about a wide range rain­forest spe­cies”, accord­ing to the author. Image by Rivi­era­Barnes (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wiki­me­dia.

Urb­an eco­tour­ism sites, par­tic­u­larly in Asi­an con­texts, also per­mit the integ­ra­tion of aes­thet­ic struc­tures that can enhance the recre­ation­al, artist­ic, spir­itu­al, and thera­peut­ic value for the masses. 

To coun­ter­pose ‘eth­ic­al’ eco­tour­ism to mass tour­ism, when we live in a mass soci­ety that has brought plenty of pro­gress, makes no sense, is elit­ist, and is self-defeating. 

Moreover, the assump­tion that the wel­fare of the vis­ited solely mat­ters, not that of the vis­it­or, is also one-sided. Wherever they are from, tour­ists are also work­ers with fam­il­ies, aspir­a­tions, needs, and wants. 

Regard­less, the res­tor­at­ive and eco­lo­gic­al bene­fits of the nat­ur­al areas where many of us live — in cit­ies — can be a basis on which emo­tion­al solid­ar­ity between host, vis­it­or, and nature can be achieved for a truly respons­ible and sus­tain­able tour­ism future. 

Agree? Dis­agree? Share your own thoughts in a com­ment below. Or write a deep­er “GT” InsightThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism, because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s busi­ness.

“GT” is where free thought travels.

This “Good Tour­ism” Insight was ini­ti­ated by Tourism’s Hori­zon: Travel for the Mil­lions, a “GT” Insight Part­ner. Tourism’s Hori­zon is “a diverse range of people, from aca­demia, journ­al­ism, and industry who share a love of hol­i­days and a desire to optim­ist­ic­ally explore the eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al advant­ages of mass tour­ism”.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Is Cent­ral Park in New York an example of eco­tour­ism for the masses? Image by Harry Gil­len (CC0) via Unsplash.

About the author

Dr Sudipta K Sarkar
Dr Sudip­ta K Sarkar

Sudip­ta K Sarkar is a seni­or lec­turer in tour­ism man­age­ment at Anglia Ruskin Uni­ver­sity in Cam­bridge, UK. With a PhD from the School of Hos­pit­al­ity & Tour­ism Man­ag­ment at the Hong Kong Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­sity, Dr Sarkar has been an edu­cat­or since 2001 in Hong Kong, India, Malay­sia, South Korea, and the UK. 

Sudip­ta has authored and co-authored book chapters, journ­al art­icles, and con­fer­ence papers in the areas of social­isa­tion among eco­tour­ists; sus­tain­ab­il­ity and social media; urb­an eco­tour­ism for the masses; tech­no­logy and sus­tain­ab­il­ity; tour­ism edu­ca­tion; and peace and gender issues. He has also received accol­ades from high­er edu­ca­tion and stu­dent bod­ies for his con­tri­bu­tions to culin­ary entre­pren­eur­ship and tourism.

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