Good news in travel & tourism July-August 2022

August 26, 2022

Rwandan banana wine banana beer urwagwa by Herve (CC0) via Unsplash
"Good Tourism" Premier Partnership is for a leading brand in travel & tourism

“Good news in travel & tour­ism” wraps up two months of “Good Tour­ism” & “GT” Travel news, insights, and experiences.

Share it as you would urwag­wa (Rwandan banana beer / wine).

It’s “GT”. And go! 

“GT” Insights: Informed perspectives on the industry

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog pub­lishes informed opin­ions on the issues facing the travel & tour­ism industry, everyone’s busi­ness. “GT” Insights are diverse per­spect­ives writ­ten by, for, and about our sec­tor. Here are the most recent:

To grow, or not to grow? A modern hero’s soliloquy

To pur­sue a strategy of tour­ism industry growth or degrowth is a des­tin­a­tion-by-des­tin­a­tion ques­tion, argues Ivana Dam­njan­ović in her second “Good Tour­ism” Insight: “To grow, or not to grow? A mod­ern hero’s soliloquy”

ivana damnjanovic and tazim jamal wrote
Ivana Dam­njan­ović (left) and Tazim Jamal pub­lished “Good Tour­ism” Insights in July 2022.

Travel & tourism degrowth to what end? Relationships that matter

‘Tour­ism degrowth’ is viewed sus­pi­ciously by some as a con­spir­acy to tear down cap­it­al­ism and vastly reduce travel. Accord­ing to Tazim Jamal, how­ever, tour­ism degrowth is much more about fos­ter­ing heal­ing and nur­tur­ing rela­tion­ships with people and our plan­et. And she thinks that we should tran­scend labels and divi­sions. “Travel & tour­ism degrowth to what end? Rela­tion­ships that matter”

Buddhist travel & tourism trails offer post-pandemic potential in Mekong

Not­ing that themed travel & tour­ism niches have been a grow­ing trend for at least two dec­ades, vet­er­an pub­lish­er Jaf­fee Yee has iden­ti­fied the poten­tial for the Mekong-region nations of South­east Asia to tap their rich Buddhist her­it­age to attract and dis­perse a large region­al and glob­al mar­ket. “Buddhist travel & tour­ism trails offer post-pan­dem­ic poten­tial in Mekong”

Jaffee Yee and Angelo Sciacca et al
Jaf­fee Yee (left) and Angelo Sciacca, Lucien von Schomberg, and Eline Brutyn pub­lished “Good Tour­ism” Insights in August 2022.

Belgian B&B implements sustainable circular solutions: A case study

A bed & break­fast in Nieuw­poort, Bel­gi­um has lever­aged the sup­port of a European Uni­on-fun­ded pro­ject to imple­ment viable ‘cir­cu­lar’ solu­tions. Accord­ing to authors Angelo Sciacca, Lucien von Schomberg, and Eline Brutyn, the B&B’s own­ers have set a good example for oth­er travel & tour­ism entre­pren­eurs to fol­low. “Bel­gian B&B imple­ments sus­tain­able cir­cu­lar solu­tions: A case study”

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“GT” Insight Bites: Diverse perspectives on important topics

A “GT” Insight Bites post is a col­lec­tion of short writ­ten responses to an identic­al set of pro­pos­i­tions and/or ques­tions that The “Good Tour­ism” Blog puts to a diverse range of travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers. Here is the most recent:

“GT” Insight Bites: Diverse perspectives on travel & tourism and a fairer world

How can travel & tour­ism con­trib­ute to a fairer world? Your cor­res­pond­ent put this ques­tion to a range of travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers, and invited writ­ten responses of up to 300 words. Click/touch a name to go to their answer:

Fair fun for some. There are diverse perspectives on how travel & tourism can contribute to a fairer world. Photo by sebastien cordat via Unsplash
Fair fun for some. There are diverse per­spect­ives on how travel & tour­ism can con­trib­ute to a fairer world. Photo by Sebas­tien Cord­at (CC0) via Unsplash.

Pre­vi­ous “GT” Insight Bites:

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“GT” Insight Interviews: Direct quotes in context

A “GT” Insight Inter­view is presen­ted in a simple Q&A format. In the spir­it of “GT”, where ‘gotcha’ journ­al­ism is not a thing, the inter­view­er ensures that the interviewee’s con­sidered answers to the ques­tions are faith­fully rep­res­en­ted in full and in their prop­er con­text. Here is the most recent:

Invisible changemaker: A pioneer of community-based tourism in Ethiopia

In the first of her ‘Invis­ible Change­maker’ inter­views, Elisa Spamp­inato chats with Mark Chap­man, a pion­eer of com­munity-based tour­ism in Ethiopia, in “Invis­ible change­maker: A pion­eer of com­munity-based tour­ism in Ethiopia”.

Sunrise at Wajela community in Meket Woreda, North Wollo, Ethiopia. Photo © Elisa Spampinato.
Sun­rise at Wajela com­munity in Meket Woreda, North Wollo, Ethiopia. © Elisa Spampinato.

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“Good Tourism” is where free thought travels

note say yes 300
There’s no reas­on not to say “Yes!” to the oppor­tun­it­ies “Good Tour­ism” offers, includ­ing help­ing you pub­lish your own “GT” Insights.

Did you ever want to write a thought­ful piece about the state of the tour­ism industry; how we got here; how we can make it bet­ter (or avoid the worst)?

Has a lack of con­fid­ence in your writ­ing held you back? Well, please don’t let it. 

Your cor­res­pond­ent is here to help you pub­lish your “GT” Insight, just as I’ve helped pro­fess­ors trans­late their Aca­damese into plain Eng­lish; just as I’ve helped those for whom Eng­lish is their second (or more) language. 

If you sub­mit a draft that com­plies with the simple “GT” Insight guidelines, I will per­son­ally copy edit your work and ensure that you are happy with it before I click ‘Pub­lish’.

It’s part of “GT’s” mis­sion to offer a plat­form for truly diverse perspectives.

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“GT” Travel Experiences: Informed inspiration for travellers

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog’s young sib­ling The “GT” Travel Blog pub­lishes informed inspir­a­tion and top tips for trav­el­lers from tour­ism insiders. Here are the most recent “GT” Travel Experiences:

Where wine was born and the local cheeses are prized: Alaverdi, Georgia

“The monks at this mon­as­tery have had time to per­fect their wines. They’ve been fer­ment­ing grapes from the sur­round­ing vine­yards since the 11th cen­tury. But that’s rel­at­ively recent. Geor­gi­ans have been mak­ing wine for 8 mil­len­nia. […] To say that this is a tra­di­tion is an under­state­ment.” _ Richard Shep­ard, founder & trust­ee of Sus­tain­able Rur­al Devel­op­ment Inter­na­tion­al, in “Where wine was born and the loc­al cheeses are prized: Alaverdi, Geor­gia”.

richard shepard and rieki crins published good travel experiences in august 2022
Richard Shep­ard and Rieki Crins pub­lished “GT” Travel Exper­i­ences in August 2022.

From New Delhi to Leh on the old Hindustan-Tibet Road

“The road, which the Brit­ish Raj built in 1850, is still con­sidered ‘off the beaten track’ by trav­el­lers, des­pite the mag­ni­fi­cent views it offers and the won­der­ful places it passes through. This pro­spect was very appeal­ing to me. So, for the first time in my life, I booked a group tour …” _ Dr Rieki Crins, founder of the Learn­ing Exchange Found­a­tion and the Bong­de Insti­tute of Hos­pit­al­ity and Tour­ism, in “From New Del­hi to Leh on the old Hindus­tan-Tibet Road”.

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Good news from friends

Good news in travel & tour­ism from the won­der­ful organ­isa­tions that make “GT” pos­sible. Here is some of what happened this month in the “Good Tour­ism” network:

Global good news from friends

Open letter to UNWTO, UNEP, UNFCCC, and Glasgow tourism climate action signatories

Glasgow Declaration: Climate Action in Tourism
SUNx Malta wants to work with the sig­nat­or­ies of the Glas­gow Declaration

Pub­lished by “GT” on August 12, 2022, an open let­ter from SUNx Malta to the heads of UNWTO, UNEP, UNFCCC, and the sig­nat­or­ies of the Glas­gow Declar­a­tion: Cli­mate Action in Tour­ism:SUNx Malta is one of the charter sig­nat­or­ies to the Glas­gow Declar­a­tion for Tour­ism, and we fully sup­port the goals […] It is in this spir­it of col­lab­or­a­tion [that] we are offer­ing to provide the CFT Registry as a neut­ral vehicle for com­pan­ies and com­munit­ies to list their cli­mate and sus­tain­ab­il­ity action plans, as well as to record pro­gress over time. This will also allow full trans­par­ency for trav­el­lers and res­id­ents. There is no charge …” Con­tin­ue read­ing at “Open let­ter to UNWTO, UNEP, UNFCCC, and Glas­gow tour­ism cli­mate action sig­nat­or­ies”.

How to create a tourism trail: Understanding the benefits and the challenges

Extant roads and paths can, in whole or in part, be include in new tourism trails. Gailingen am Hochrhein, Germany. Photo by David Bayliss (CC0) via Unsplash.
Extant roads and paths, such as this one in Ger­many, could be included in new tour­ism trails. Photo by Dav­id Bayliss (CC0) via Unsplash.

Pub­lished August 22, 2022: “Ever wondered what goes into cre­at­ing a tour­ism trail? [Con­sider] a new online short course cre­ated by the Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS) […] The tour­ism trails course is the latest in CRTS’ series of short online courses designed for aspir­ing respons­ible tour­ism prac­ti­tion­ers [to] estab­lish a found­a­tion of know­ledge, and a frame­work for think­ing about vari­ous aspects of a respons­ible travel & tour­ism industry. They are always fresh …” Con­tin­ue read­ing at “How to cre­ate a tour­ism trail: Under­stand­ing the bene­fits and the chal­lenges”.

CABI logo

CABI Tour­ism Cases upgrades its digit­al pres­ence
CABI Tour­ism Cases has moved to a new plat­form, the ‘CABI Digit­al Lib­rary’. Here you can search all CABI’s tour­ism-related con­tent, read their blogs, news, and more. Users can cre­ate saved searches and be aler­ted to new con­tent. There is also a ‘con­trib­ute’ sec­tion with a num­ber of ‘call for cases’.

Enrol­ments for SUNx’ Cli­mate Friendly Travel Dip­loma open
“Applic­a­tions for the world’s first online course on Cli­mate Friendly Travel are now OPEN,” exclaimed SUNx Malta on their socials. “[A]cquire new skills and qual­i­fic­a­tions to pre­pare for tomor­row’s tour­ism industry.” SUNx works with the Insti­tute of Tour­ism Stud­ies Malta to con­duct the course. More inform­a­tion.

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CRTS offers free online short course on tour­ism eth­ics
“Tour­ism can poten­tially bring pos­it­ive impacts to loc­al places and people, but can also cre­ate harm and incon­veni­ences,” accord­ing to the Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS). CRTS’ free online short course (avail­able to any­one in the world with an inter­net con­nec­tion) will cov­er “many dif­fer­ent inter­est­ing impacts [and] eth­ic­al dilemmas”.

‘We need a moon­shot for true-zero avi­ation’
Geof­frey Lip­man (SUNx co-founder) and Chris­toph Wolff (former World Eco­nom­ic For­um exec­ut­ive com­mit­tee mem­ber) have writ­ten about “why and how the avi­ation sec­tor must help secure Cli­mate Justice & Sus­tain­ab­il­ity for the World’s poorest ‘Base of the Pyr­am­id’ States, as they move to Zero GHG 2050″. The story is also linked from the July edi­tion of SUNx’ eXist news­let­ter.

SUNx eXistential

SUNx Malta, ETC col­lab­or­a­tion yields action
The European Travel Com­mis­sion (rep­res­ent­ing 33 nation­al tour­ism organ­isa­tions) recently signed a Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goal #17 agree­ment with SUNx Malta. The col­lab­or­a­tion has pro­duced “three con­crete actions to advance Cli­mate Friendly Travel in Europe”.

ASSET‑H&C acknow­ledges World Human­it­ari­an Day
On World Human­it­ari­an Day, Fri­day, August 19, ASSET‑H&C pos­ted to Face­book: “[W]e are proud to sup­port human­it­ari­an efforts by con­nect­ing hos­pit­al­ity and cater­ing schools that provide train­ing for vul­ner­able youth and enable them to become the agen­cies of their own lives.”

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Good news from friends in Africa

Rwanda’s neighbours to learn conservation, sustainable development practices

cultural exchange in Rwanda
Photo sup­plied by Red Rocks Rwanda

Pub­lished August 17, 2022: “Red Rocks Ini­ti­at­ive for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment will launch the ‘Vir­unga Trans­bound­ary Ini­ti­at­ive’ in 2022. The Ini­ti­at­ive will share its con­ser­va­tion and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment con­cepts with neigh­bour­ing coun­tries fol­low­ing their suc­cess in Rwanda. The Vir­unga Trans­bound­ary Ini­ti­at­ive will include com­munit­ies in Uganda and the Demo­crat­ic Repub­lic of the Congo that share the Vir­unga mas­sif with those in Rwanda.” Con­tin­ue read­ing at “Rwanda’s neigh­bours to learn con­ser­va­tion, sus­tain­able devel­op­ment prac­tices”.

10th annual Rwandan cultural festival coincides with gorilla naming ceremony

Rwandan mountain gorilla
Moun­tain gor­illa. Photo sup­plied by Red Rocks.

Pub­lished August 15, 2022: “The 10th Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al comes to Musan­ze dis­trict, Rwanda, August 26-Septem­ber 2, 2022, coin­cid­ing with the Kwita Izina gor­illa nam­ing cere­mony on the slopes of Vir­unga Moun­tain. Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Cen­ter [is host­ing] the event at its premises in Nyak­i­n­ama vil­lage, Musan­ze dis­trict, Rwanda with addi­tion­al cel­eb­ra­tions in nearby Mukung­wa town and Kinigi, Vir­unga Moun­tain. Entrance is without charge. Accom­mod­a­tion and food are avail­able at cost.” Con­tin­ue read­ing at “10th annu­al Rwandan cul­tur­al fest­iv­al to coin­cide with gor­illa nam­ing cere­mony”.

Red Rocks Rwanda

Red Rocks assists socioeco­nom­ic devel­op­ment in Vir­unga mas­sif
Red Rocks Rwanda’s eco­tour­ism pro­grams con­tin­ue to provide nature-pos­it­ive employ­ment to Vir­unga loc­als, mostly youth and women, which has led to their eco­nom­ic and social devel­op­ment. Rather than rely on wish­ful think­ing, Red Rocks ensures these out­comes by part­ner­ing with oth­er ven­tures, NGOs, and volun­teers to pur­sue the diverse pro­grams of Red Rocks Ini­ti­at­ives.

Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development

Red Rocks arts for con­ser­va­tion
The Red Rocks art gal­lery was set up to pro­mote the cul­tur­al her­it­age of the people liv­ing around it; encour­age the com­munity to tell the Rwandan story through arts, crafts, music, dance, and dra­mat­ic per­form­ance; and train and nur­ture tal­ent. Loc­als can tap into these oppor­tun­it­ies and earn a liv­ing from their work, much of which has a con­ser­va­tion theme. Red Rocks RwandaRed Rocks Ini­ti­at­ives.

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Good news from friends in Asia

Award-winning Anurak ecotourism experience reopens in southern Thailand

Bamboo rafting is an activity available at Anurak Community Lodge in southern Thailand
Bam­boo raft­ing in a stun­ning nat­ur­al envir­on­ment is an activ­ity avail­able at Anurak Com­munity Lodge in south­ern Thailand.

Pub­lished July 26, 2022:Anurak Com­munity Lodge, an award-win­ning eco­tour­ism exper­i­ence in south­ern Thai­l­and, has fully reopened fol­low­ing two years of COV­ID-related uncer­tainty. The 19-unit nature retreat, which won the PATA Grand Award for Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in 2020, and is Trav­elife Gold cer­ti­fied [reopened] with room enhance­ments, a refreshed food and bever­age menu – includ­ing south­ern ‘jungle’ din­ners – and new guest activ­it­ies, such as hik­ing the Anurak Trail, cyc­ling, and guest par­ti­cip­a­tion in the ecolodge’s ‘Rain­forest Rising’ refor­est­a­tion pro­ject.” Con­tin­ue read­ing at “Award-win­ning Anurak eco­tour­ism exper­i­ence reopens in south­ern Thai­l­and”.

Khiri Travel -

Khiri, PATA on how tour­ism can be a ‘force for good’
In epis­ode 6 of Khiri Travel’s Khiri Pulse pod­cast, founder & CEO Willem Niemeijer talks with PATA’s Gra­ham Harp­er about how tour­ism can be a force for good in South­east Asia. 

Laos’ sus­tain­able star: Tad Yeuang Water­fall
Tad Yeuang Water­fall in south­ern Laos won the ASEAN Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Award (ASTA) in Janu­ary 2022 for the “safe and sus­tain­able” mar­ket that was developed there. We Are Lao reports that since Laos’ reopen­ing to tour­ism 2.5 months ago, the falls have been attract­ing for­eign vis­it­ors who can also buy loc­al pro­duce and crafts as well as sample Bolaven Plat­eau cof­fee from com­munity vendors.

Cardamom Tented Camp

Your stay at Car­damom Ten­ted Camp keeps the forest stand­ing
“When you stay at Cam­bod­i­a’s amaz­ing Car­damom Ten­ted Camp, every­one wins. You get an amaz­ing jungle exper­i­ence, and the camp gets to sup­port loc­al rangers in their wild­life con­ser­va­tion efforts.” Khiri Travel Cam­bod­ia offers two great pack­ages to exper­i­ence this once in a life­time engage­ment with nature.

Anurak Community Lodge -

Meet the anim­als of Khao Sok at Anurak Com­munity Lodge
“The Khlong Saeng-Khao Sok Forest Com­plex includes Khlong Saeng, Khlong Yan, Khlong Naka, Khuan Mai Yai and Ton Pari­wat Wild­life Sanc­tu­ar­ies. Almost 50 mam­mal spe­cies have been recor­ded with­in this area.” Meet the anim­als of Khao Sok at Anurak Com­munity Lodge.

ASSET-H&C logo

ASSET‑H&C mem­bers exchange know-how with French NGO
One of ASSET‑H&C’s foci is to build the capa­city of mem­bers’ staff. In a ped­ago­gic­al exchange pro­gram, PSE (Pour un Souri­re d’En­fant), KOTO, Bay­on Pastry School Cof­fee Shop, Sala Baï Hotel & Res­taur­ant School, and EHT Paul Dubrule will organ­ise work­shops in South­east Asia and then join obser­va­tion ses­sions and work­shops in France with Apprentis d’Auteuil.

WeAreLao, a "Good Tourism" Destination Partner representing Laos

A Lao tour­ism niche wakes up and smells cof­fee
“Strong, full-bod­ied Bolaven Plat­eau cof­fee has been mak­ing its way into cap­pucci­nos, lattes, frappes, and ice cof­fees around the world in recent years, and now glob­al tour­ists are com­ing to exper­i­ence the ‘Spring of Lao Cof­fee’ in Cham­pa­sak.” We Are Lao.

Lux­ury Camp @ Green Jungle Park Opens in Luang Pra­bang
“The Lao Green Group has opened Lux­ury Camp @ Green Jungle Park to add an accom­mod­a­tion ele­ment to the 25-hec­tare nat­ur­al adven­ture play­ground loc­ated about 15 km (45 minutes) from Luang Pra­bang Town,” reports We Are Lao.

While your cor­res­pond­ent took a break in July, We Are Lao con­tin­ued pump­ing out intriguing updates about Laos:

‘DNA train­ing’ expert on tour to meet ASSET‑H&C mem­bers
Dur­ing June and July, a ped­agogy expert held meet­ings with ASSET‑H&C mem­bers in Viet­nam. More about DNA train­ing.

W4Wild Life Logo SQUARE 125

Love ele­phants?
Work for Wild Life has relayed the news of “long-term volunteer/intern oppor­tun­it­ies in Laos” in roles such as ele­phant enrich­ment and social­isa­tion, con­ser­va­tion, veter­in­ary care, and NGO communications. 

The oppor­tun­it­ies are at the Ele­phant Con­ser­va­tion Cen­ter (ECC). ECC founder Sébas­tien Duffil­lot wrote a “GT” Insight about ECC’s COVID exper­i­ence in “You can’t fur­lough an ele­phant: How Laos’ ECC is sur­viv­ing the COVID crisis”.

One can't simply furlough a bull elephant and his mahout. Image supplied by the Elephant Conservation Center in Sayaboury, Laos.
One can­’t simply fur­lough a bull ele­phant and his mahout. Image sup­plied by the Ele­phant Con­ser­va­tion Cen­ter in Say­a­boury, Laos.

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The importance of good partnerships

To help you nav­ig­ate dire straits, take the tem­per­at­ure in an uncer­tain cli­mate, and keep your head when all about you are los­ing theirs, it’s wise to seek out part­ners who make you their pri­or­ity.

“GT” is a good part­ner. Veri­fy that with a “GT” Part­ner and then look at part­ner­ship oppor­tun­it­ies. There’s a pack­age for every­one — big or small; pub­lic or private; com­mer­cial or not-for-profit — because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business. 

All “GT” Part­ners enjoy out­stand­ing value, includ­ing the oppor­tun­ity every week to con­trib­ute news to the “GT” news­let­ter and these monthly wraps.

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Friends indeed

“Friends indeed” are worthy travel & tour­ism industry fun­draisers and char­it­able causes that are asso­ci­ated with or sug­ges­ted by “GT” Part­ners and friends. Please help them if you can. Share the page with your net­works. And link to it from your website.

Stay healthy, smile, have a good month ahead … And when you travel, remember:

It's not 'no'. It's 'know.' A "Good Tourism" travel tip; travel advice for good tourists & responsible travellers.
It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know.’ A “Good Tour­ism” travel tip; travel advice for tour­ists & respons­ible travellers.

It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’.

Gotta go? Then go!
If you’ve time, go slow
If you don’t, try low
Do what you know is good
And know there is more to know

Fea­tured image (top of post): Urwag­wa (Rwandan banana wine / banana beer). Image by Herve (CC0) via Unsplash.

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Donations, diversity, disclosure

To help your cor­res­pond­ent keep his energy-effi­cient lights on, please con­sider a private one-off gift or ongo­ing dona­tion. THANK YOU to those who have! 

You are a tour­ism stake­hold­er — yes, YOU! — so what’s your view? Do you dis­agree with any­thing you have read on “GT”? Join the con­ver­sa­tion. Com­ment below or share your “Good Tour­ism” Insights. Diversity of thought is wel­come on The “Good Tour­ism” Blog. And your ori­gin­al con­tent sup­ports an inde­pend­ent publisher.

Part­ner with “GT”. You know you want to. Here are some testi­mo­ni­als.

Note: It is “GT’s” policy to fully dis­close Part­ner or sponsored con­tent. If an item asso­ci­ated with a “GT” Part­ner is not dis­closed as such, then it either met the “GT” Insight guidelines (includ­ing “not a sales pitch”) or it was a simple oversight. 

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