Uganda looks to community-based tourism

May 24, 2017

Uganda looks to community-based tourism. Source: UTB

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With pro­spect­ive trav­el­lers enquir­ing about Uganda fol­low­ing recent des­tin­a­tion pro­mo­tions, there is no bet­ter time to devel­op com­munity-based tour­ism than now, accord­ing to Timothy Mugume coun­try man­ager for a pan-Afric­an online travel agent.

This is not only good for the tour­ism and ser­vices industry, but it will also see loc­al res­id­ents earn income as ser­vice and pro­duce pro­viders, he said.

This may also go some way towards answer­ing the big unem­ploy­ment ques­tion, accord­ing to Ismail Musa Ladu, writ­ing for the Daily Mon­it­or.

Mr Mugume’s focus will be on the com­munity and the people.

“We would like to ensure that when tour­ists vis­it these com­munit­ies they have prop­er accom­mod­a­tion and that they enjoy their tour and stay in those communities.

“And that does not have to be expens­ive. We can have low-budget accom­mod­a­tions provided by the people in the com­munity. And that is how we want to seg­ment the mar­ket because we believe that is the way to go.”

Ugandans are yet to buy into the idea of domest­ic tour­ism but with the devel­op­ment of com­munity-based tour­ism, Mr Mugume believes that more Ugandans will begin to exper­i­ence their land-locked East Afric­an country.

Uganda Tourism Board CEO Stephen Asiimwe. Source: 'New Vision'

Uganda Tour­ism Board CEO Steph­en Asiim­we. Source: ‘New Vision’

Uganda Tour­ism Board CEO Steph­en Asiim­we said that a lot had been achieved by the recent cam­paign “judging from the increased enquir­ies about Uganda in the tra­di­tion­al markets”.

In the US the num­ber of enquir­ies about the “Pearl of Africa” doubled from 50 to more than 100 daily.

In 2016, Trans­par­ency Inter­na­tion­al ranked Uganda 151st out of 176 nation with a score of 25 out of 100 (where 0 is most cor­rupt and 100 is not cor­rupt at all).

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