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How a community-based tourism & homestay network empowers women in Nepal

February 4, 2020

Women who manage the Panauti Community Homestay with some members of the CHN team

Tour­ism impact and sus­tain­ab­il­ity expert Aady­aa Pandey dis­cusses a few of the chal­lenges over­come by Nepal’s Com­munity Homestay Net­work (CHN). And she cel­eb­rates its pos­it­ive impacts. Thanks to “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner Second Look World­wide for invit­ing Aady­aa to con­trib­ute this inspir­ing “GT” Insight about a social enter­prise that arose from a mod­est yet wildly […]

Read More How a community-based tourism & homestay network empowers women in Nepal

From tourism to coffee, young Thais blend profit with social good

October 7, 2017

Young Thais like Aliza blend profit with social good, from tourism to coffee

Six years ago, Som­sak “Pai” Boonkam drew up a plan with two vil­lages in north­ern Thai­l­and for tour­ists to stay with loc­al fam­il­ies and immerse them­selves in hill-tribe cul­ture. The aim was for the vil­la­gers to see some fin­an­cial bene­fit from their coun­try’s multi-bil­lion-dol­lar tour­ism industry. Pai was sure it would be a hit with […]

Read More From tourism to coffee, young Thais blend profit with social good

Caribbean Tourism sets students a sustainability challenge

May 12, 2017

A Carribean beach

Stu­dents will be chal­lenged to present “well-researched, prac­tic­al, and fin­an­­cially-viable sus­tain­able tour­ism pro­jects” at an event hos­ted by the Carib­bean Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (CTO) next month. CTO-USA Dir­ect­or Sylma Brown said: “Tour­ism edu­ca­tion is a crit­ic­al ele­ment of sus­tain­ab­il­ity in the Carib­bean and the CTO is com­mit­ted to ensur­ing that the bright­est and best lead the tourism […]

Read More Caribbean Tourism sets students a sustainability challenge