China pledges another three years of ‘toilet revolution’ to boost tourism

November 20, 2017

China pledges another three years of 'toilet revolution' to boost tourism

China announced on Sunday plans to build and upgrade 64,000 pub­lic toi­lets between 2018 to 2020 as part of its “toi­let revolu­tion” aimed at boost­ing tour­ism and lift­ing the sec­tor’s con­tri­bu­tion to eco­nom­ic growth. China has been keen to devel­op and expand ser­vices indus­tries to move away from debt-fueled and invest­­ment-driv­en growth, while off­set­ing the […]

Read More China pledges another three years of ‘toilet revolution’ to boost tourism

Is tourism a way to lift the Pacific out of poverty?

November 7, 2017

Can tourism alleviate Pacific poverty? Port Vila, Vanuatu, from the War Memorial, 2006. By Phillip Capper (CC BY 2.0) via Wikimedia.

There are still many oppor­tun­it­ies for Pacific Island states to take advant­age of tour­ism for devel­op­ment, accord­ing to Rat­nakar Adhi­kari and Joe Natuman writ­ing for the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. The seafront of Port Vila, Vanuatu, bustles with activ­ity. Traders – most of them women – call out to tour­ists wan­der­ing past, implor­ing them to take […]

Read More Is tourism a way to lift the Pacific out of poverty?

Lisbon locals face eviction in favour of trendy tourism, celebrities, short-term rentals

October 21, 2017

Lisbon tourism is booming. Locals are being indirectly forced out by trendy tourism and celebrities

Lis­bon tour­ism is boom­ing. With­in a month of the “GT” Insight dir­ect from Lis­bon — “Why We Hate Tour­ism Tours & why you should too” by Ricardo Oli­veira — the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion reports on the neg­at­ive impacts of trendy tour­ism on loc­als’ life­styles. Carla da Cunha has a tight budget with which to find a new home in […]

Read More Lisbon locals face eviction in favour of trendy tourism, celebrities, short-term rentals

From tourism to coffee, young Thais blend profit with social good

October 7, 2017

Young Thais like Aliza blend profit with social good, from tourism to coffee

Six years ago, Som­sak “Pai” Boonkam drew up a plan with two vil­lages in north­ern Thai­l­and for tour­ists to stay with loc­al fam­il­ies and immerse them­selves in hill-tribe cul­ture. The aim was for the vil­la­gers to see some fin­an­cial bene­fit from their coun­try’s multi-bil­lion-dol­lar tour­ism industry. Pai was sure it would be a hit with […]

Read More From tourism to coffee, young Thais blend profit with social good

Child sex tourism goes suburban, rural, online

September 26, 2017

Child sex tourism is moving away from red light districts and into the suburbs and country areas, and online.

Work­ing under­cov­er in bars and brothels across South­east Asia to com­bat child sex tour­ism and slavery, cam­paign­er Kev­in Camp­bell has posed many times as a tour­ist look­ing to buy sex with a girl. But these days, Camp­bell, who works for the anti-traf­fick­­ing group The Exodus Road, says it is far less com­mon to see young girls […]

Read More Child sex tourism goes suburban, rural, online

Afghan travel agent helps women study abroad

September 13, 2017

Afghan travel agent is giving Afghani women educational and career opportunities abroad

An Afghan travel entre­pren­eur is hop­ing to inspire a new gen­er­a­tion of women by using her agency to help female stu­dents secure places at uni­ver­sit­ies in Tur­key, Rus­sia and Europe and then break into male-dom­in­ated careers. Mar­jana Sadi (pic­tured above), 21, set up Banoo Travel Agency in a mar­ket in cent­ral Kabul nearly a year […]

Read More Afghan travel agent helps women study abroad