Duncan M Simpson

Duncan M Simpson

Duncan M Simpson

Duncan M Simpson trained as a journ­al­ist, but after a sum­mer help­ing out at a Cam­bridge youth hostel in the 1970s, he car­ried on work­ing for the Youth Hos­tels Asso­ci­ation (YHA) of Eng­land and Wales. After a career in hostel oper­a­tions, mar­ket­ing, and PR, he retired as YHA’s Head of Cor­por­ate Affairs in 2013.

Since then, Mr Simpson has focused on the his­tory of youth hos­tels at Simply Hos­tels, a web­site and blog, and three inde­pend­ently pub­lished books, includ­ing Open to All: How youth hos­tels changed the world. Duncan also writes at Light travels on Substack.

Cash, time, or freedom: Travel & tourism is expensive

November 28, 2023

Then as now, tourism is expensive. Photo Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham.

If one can put romantic notions of ‘the good old days’ aside, then one must acknow­ledge that travel was then, and is now, an elit­ist pur­suit for those with the lux­ur­ies of cash, time, and/or free­dom. Tour­ism is expens­ive. Our industry has to change, accord­ing to Duncan M Simpson. But how?

Read More Cash, time, or freedom: Travel & tourism is expensive